Times Colonist

Polls point to a minority government but leaders wary of talk of coalition


OTTAWA — Polls suggesting a tight, three-way race among the main federal parties forced their leaders Tuesday to confront scenarios around a possible minority government as the post-Labour Day phase of the election campaign opened.

That raised the possibilit­y of cross-party alliances, including the contentiou­s coalition question, which also reared its head, as it did in last federal campaign.

But the Conservati­ve, NDP and Liberal leaders were determined to carve some daylight between their parties.

Stephen Harper, Tom Mulcair and Justin Trudeau added economic planks to their platforms, throttling up their campaigns to full speed after more than a month of summer campaignin­g.

But with no breakaway front runner emerging for the Oct. 19 election, all three faced questions about whether they might try to join forces with another party if the country awakens to a minority government the next day.

Harper held firm to his anti-coalition stance, saying it was the right of the party winning the most seats to form the government.

“That’s always been my view. I’ve lived by that and I hope that party is us,” Harper said in Mississaug­a, Ont., where he announced a plan that would increase the government’s contributi­on when low- and middleinco­me families invest in education savings plans.

The Conservati­ve plan would see the government contribute $200 for the first $500 invested each year by a family earning up to $44,000. For a family earning up to $88,000, the government’s cut would be $100.

At the same time, Harper painted his NDP and Liberal rivals as promoters of high taxes and endless deficits who would be toxic to the economy.

Campaignin­g in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, Trudeau said Canadians don’t want a coalition if a party wins a minority government, but reiterated his party’s willingnes­s to cooperate with other parties to pass legislatio­n.

“We will always be open to working with others, but the fact is, Canadians aren’t interested in formal coalitions,” Trudeau said before he promised major changes to the employment­insurance system.

Trudeau’s plan includes a reduction in premiums, more for the provinces for skills training and a reduction in the wait time for a first payment to one week from two.

“One of the things that is very, very clear is that Mr. Harper has got more than 60 per cent of Canadians wanting to see someone else as prime minister,” Trudeau added.

Mulcair sidesteppe­d questions about his position on the coalition question at an event in Montreal, where he pledged new funding for the aerospace industry.

“We, of course, have raised that issue any number of times. In 2008, we went so far as to write a formal coalition agreement with the Liberals,” Mulcair said.

“But as you know, they turned up their nose on their own signature — and seven years later, Stephen Harper is still there.”

The coalition question arose Monday night when Harper was asked about the issue during an interview with CBC television.

Harper said he would not serve as prime minister if the Conservati­ves finish in second place even by a close margin.

Like Trudeau, Mulcair said he was focused on defeating the Conservati­ves.

Mulcair promised a $160-million fund to help small- and medium-sized aerospace companies adopt new technology and increase production to increase their global competitiv­eness.

Mulcair said he would lead trade delegation­s to major internatio­nal industry events to help promote Canadian companies.

Tom Mulcair fielded questions Tuesday about the costing of his platform by saying he will open the accounting books on his promises in due course.

The New Democrats have vowed to balance the books next year if they win power, despite spending commitment­s, such as Mulcair’s plan to create one million $15-a-day child-care spaces.

Mulcair said an NDP government would pay for its pledges in part by cancelling the Conservati­ves’ $2-billion-per-year incomespli­tting measure for families with kids and by raising corporate tax rates.

 ??  ?? Conservati­ve Leader Stephen Harper signs a wall Tuesday during his visit to Facebook’s office in Toronto.
Conservati­ve Leader Stephen Harper signs a wall Tuesday during his visit to Facebook’s office in Toronto.

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