Times Colonist

> Early exposure cuts kids’ risk of peanut allergy,


SEATTLE — It might look like just another lunch, but when 11-month-old Reese Couty bites into a peanut-butter sandwich, it’s nothing less than revolution­ary.

The wispy-haired toddler is at high risk for food allergies, after having severe eczema as a newborn and a scary reaction the first time her mom fed her scrambled eggs.

“She was puffed up like a big old balloon fish, hives everywhere, on her face,” recalled Meghan Couty, 29. “We had paramedics, the whole nine yards.”

With that kind of history, parents of babies like Reese were told for years to avoid feeding their kids peanuts until age three, for fear of inducing the potentiall­y deadly allergy and a lifetime of worry.

But a landmark study published this year in the New England Journal of Medicine turned that convention­al notion on its head, suggesting that many peanut allergies may be prevented by exposing children to the food in infancy.

The results of the Learning Early About Peanut Allergy (LEAP) study, conducted in London, are so compelling, they’ve already made their way to medical clinics and home kitchens across the country.

Allergists say they’re now seeing dozens of high-risk babies a month, testing to see whether they have a severe peanut allergy and, if they don’t, starting them right away on a diet that includes peanut products. The hope is that the early interventi­on will halt peanut allergy in the future for the individual child — and the larger population.

“This is a revolution­ary change,” said Dr. Kevin Dooms, a Washington state allergist “This would have been heretical a year or two ago.”

The change comes amid an alarming rise in peanut allergies.

The LEAP trial was led by Dr. Gideon Lack, a professor of pediatric allergy at King’s College, London. He had begun questionin­g avoidance of peanuts early in life after finding that the rate of peanut allergy in Israeli children was about one-tenth the rate among kids in Britain.

The difference, he concluded in a 2008 study, was likely that Israeli babies ate high amounts of peanut protein in the first year of life, while British parents avoided giving such foods.

In the LEAP trial, Lack and colleagues studied 530 infants, ages four months to 11 months, at high risk of developing a peanut allergy. Those included infants with severe eczema or egg allergy, or both. The babies were given skin-prick tests for peanut allergy, and those who were already allergic were left out.

The researcher­s randomly assigned the babies either to be regularly given food containing peanuts or to avoid those foods.

By the time the kids turned five, just 3.2 per cent of the group given peanut products had the allergy, compared with 17.2 per cent in the group that avoided them.

Among children who showed evidence of mild peanut sensitivit­y to begin with, 10.6 per cent who ate peanuts developed peanut allergy, compared with 35.3 per cent of those who avoided it.

The trial “clearly indicates that the early introducti­on of peanut dramatical­ly decreases the risk of developmen­t of peanut allergy,” said an editorial published with the results in February in The New England Journal of Medicine.

“The LEAP study makes it clear that we can do something now to reverse the increasing prevalence of peanut allergy,” conclude the authors, Dr. Rebecca S. Gruchalla of the University of Texas Southweste­rn Medical Center and Dr. Hugh A. Sampson of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York.

The study was primarily funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health and Food Allergy Research and Education, a U.S. advocacy group.

Recently, a new consensus communicat­ion was issued jointly by Canadian, American and European allergists and the World Allergy Organizati­on recommendi­ng introducin­g peanut-containing products into the diet of “high risk” infants between four and 11 months of age.

The Canadian Society of Allergy & Clinical Immunology partnered with other internatio­nal allergy and immunology societies to highlight the benefits of early peanut introducti­on, in light of recent findings from the LEAP study.

“I think the allergy community, physicians and other providers, are embracing it wholeheart­edly,” said Dr. Stephen Tilles of the Northwest Allergy & Asthma Center in Seattle, who is seeing about 10 babies each week for peanut evaluation. “This is one of the most stunning results I’ve ever seen that pertain to my specialty.”

For Tilles and Dooms, the new guidance has helped cement growing efforts to overturn what experts now say was misguided advice to avoid peanuts.

In 2000, largely in response to results from feeding trials in the U.S. and Europe, the AAP recommende­d that parents not give their children peanuts until age three.

In 2008, the group retracted the guidance, say- ing evidence to support it was lacking.

But that didn’t reverse the damage, especially in the general public. Fear of introducin­g peanuts too early had become ingrained, even among parents whose children had no sign of allergies.

“What’s surprising is how few people got the memo,” Dooms said. “That fear has been internaliz­ed and that fear was based on no evidence.”

Only after the results of the LEAP study were issued did AAP and other groups issue the interim guidance, with plans for formal recommenda­tions next year.

That’s not to say parents of high-risk kids should start feeding peanuts on their own. “Medical decisions should be made under the advice of a physician,” said Dr. James R. Baker Jr., FARE’s chief executive. “Parents should consult with their doctors and see if the guidance for early introducti­on is appropriat­e for them.”

The prime window for peanut introducti­on appears to be in the first year, with testing beginning between four months and six months, when babies start eating solid foods.

Since babies can’t eat whole peanuts because of the risk of choking, recommende­d foods include smooth peanut butter, peanut soup or finely ground peanuts mixed into other foods, such as yogurt.

For Meghan Couty, the idea she may have prevented her daughter from developing a peanut allergy is profound. “I’m really happy we did it,” she said.

 ?? ELLEN M. BANNER, SEATTLE TIMES ?? Sawyer Couty, 3, eats a peanut-butter quesadilla with mom Meghan Couty and sister Reese, 11 months, in their Renton, Washington, home.
ELLEN M. BANNER, SEATTLE TIMES Sawyer Couty, 3, eats a peanut-butter quesadilla with mom Meghan Couty and sister Reese, 11 months, in their Renton, Washington, home.

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