Times Colonist

Low heart rate may predict violent criminals


What if a test could identify young men who were nearly 50 per cent more likely than their peers to become violent criminals? Scientists say they have found such a test — and you can take it with two fingers and a clock.

The test measures your resting heart rate. If you count fewer than 60 beats per minute, you might be physiologi­cally predispose­d to commit robbery, assault, kidnapping or even murder, new research suggests.

Studies from more than a dozen countries have found that people with slow-beating hearts are more likely to behave in antisocial ways. However, most of these studies involved small groups who weren’t tracked for long periods of time.

Researcher­s from the Karolinska Institute near Stockholm thought they could improve on both those scores by examining decades of data collected by the Swedish government.

Until 2009, nearly all Swedish men were required to undergo a “conscripti­on assessment” for the armed forces when they turned 18. Those records included data on the resting heart rates of 710,264 people — a sample more than 100 times bigger than for all previous studies put together. What’s more, the researcher­s were able to track these men for up to 35.7 years.

Next, the researcher­s turned to Sweden’s crime register to see whether any of those people — each identified by a government-issued number — had been convicted of a violent or nonviolent offense after their heart rate was measured. They also examined medical records to see whether the men had been injured or killed in an assault or accident.

They found that the men with the lowest resting heart rates at age 18 were most likely to commit crimes as they got older, according to a report published Wednesday in JAMA Psychiatry.

The researcher­s divided the men into five groups based on their heart rates. The 132,595 men in the slowest group registered between 35 and 60 beats per minute, while the 139,511 men in the fastest group had 83 to 145 beats per minute. Although the first group was smaller, it included more men who wound up being convicted of a violent crime. (In all five groups, more than 94 per cent of men were never convicted of a violent crime.)

In analyzing the data, the researcher­s controlled for height, weight, body mass index, blood pressure and (when available) the maximum amount of “work” the men could do during an exercise test. They also controlled for each man’s socioecono­mic status, IQ and psychiatri­c health.

When these variables were taken into account, they found that the men with the slowest resting heart rates were 49 per cent more likely to become violent criminals than the men with the fastest resting heart rates. They were also 33 per cent more likely to be convicted of a nonviolent crime, such as a drug or traffic offense.

In addition, the researcher­s discovered that the men with the slowest hearts were 41 per cent more likely than those with the fastest hearts to be injured in an assault and 31 per cent more likely to be injured in an accident.

It’s not clear why a low heart rate would make people predispose­d to antisocial behaviour, but one theory is that men with slower hearts have lower levels of physiologi­cal arousal, which they try to boost by doing things that are dangerous or illegal. The other leading theory is that those with slower hearts have a muted response to risky or stressful situations, so they don’t feel the fear that others would.

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