Times Colonist

Provinces prepared to wait on right-to-die legislatio­n


OTTAWA — Ontario and British Columbia appear prepared for the federal government to request more time to respond to the Supreme Court of Canada’s landmark decision on doctorassi­sted death.

The new Liberal government has not said it will need an extension to address the court’s ruling, but Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould has publicly acknowledg­ed this is a possibilit­y.

B.C. Health Minister Terry Lake said his province would be open to working with the federal Liberals over an extended period to ensure they give the matter the thought it deserves.

“I think that it is a very short time frame without an extension,” Lake said in an interview. “It is the federal government’s decision to make, but I think certainly … a framework needs to be worked out with a lot of thoughtful­ness, so I think the more time to be able to do that, the better.”

Last February, the Supreme Court recognized the right of clearly consenting adults who endure intolerabl­e physical or mental suffering to end their lives with a physician’s help.

It also gave Parliament a year to craft a set of laws to govern assisted suicide, though former justice minister Peter MacKay indicated in June the government — Conservati­ve or otherwise — likely would need more time.

Ontario Health Minister Eric Hoskins said his province would understand if the federal government seeks an extension.

“I think that, given the electoral process and the change in government as well, I think that Ontario would be very understand­ing if the federal government were to ask for an extension,” Hoskins said.

Ontario is leading a provincial and territoria­l advisory group on the future of physician-assisted death in Canada.

“They’re going to be reporting shortly,” Hoskins said. “That’s important and helpful informatio­n to the feds, but it speaks to the need for … especially on this issue, close collaborat­ion.

“If the federal government asks for an extension and are granted that extension, obviously we will work within those parameters.”

Discussion­s are also underway at the federal level.

A three-member panel appointed by the previous government has conducted research tours in Europe and Portland, Oregon.

The panel is led by psychiatry professor Harvey Max Chochinov, the Canada research chair in palliative care at the University of Manitoba.

 ??  ?? B.C. Health Minister Terry Lake: “The more time to be able to do [craft a thoughtful law], the better.”
B.C. Health Minister Terry Lake: “The more time to be able to do [craft a thoughtful law], the better.”

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