Times Colonist

A spirituall­y undevelope­d Canada needs a real awakening


This column first appeared in the Victoria Daily Times on Nov. 26, 1938.

Every period brings out new words and phrases which have in them the history of the day. Now we are talking of “appeasemen­t,” of “minorities,” “sanctions,” “moral rearmament” and a “united Canada.” Yesterday’s words are already growing old, with that shadowy sound that betokens the passing of time; even the pugnacious “self-determinat­ion” and “self-expression” grow soft with moss as these new ones crowd in.

“A united Canada” has possibilit­ies and holds its place in the procession because everyone has an opinion on it. Speakers take the last drink of water when they begin on this subtitle and prepare to work up to their climax. Now let me hasten to say that I believe we should think more about a united Canada and make a serious study of the causes of disunity, and not only make a study, but do something.

When I was in Winnipeg, I was told about a serious condition which exists in the city schools. Meetings are being held in the school auditorium­s of Nazis and of Communists, where the German system and the Russian system are being exalted. No one seems to know just what to do about it.

Suppressio­n seems to be the only thing, but suppressio­n indicates fear. Are we really afraid of the Nazi system of government, or of the platform of the Communist? If either of these is better than the Christian democratic system, why should we not admit it? But they are not better.

These systems, successful as they are in some respects, should hold no terrors for us, for we know something better — but because of natural laziness we are a bit upset about having to defend our ideals. We hate to be bothered. So naturally our reaction is to stop these meetings by force. It’s so much easier than argument or demonstrat­ion, and could be done by the police without any effort on our part. What are police for, anyway?

We might just as well face the situation. Christian democracy has to be fought for, but not with guns or bombs, deportatio­n or imprisonme­nt. These are outdated weapons. We must revive the history of liberty and make it a living faith. We must show our boys and girls that there is romance, adventure and glamour in the good life, in freedom of speech, in being a good neighbour, in the Golden Rule and in moral rearmament. We must admit our failures and show the way to national unity.

Herr Hitler has laid his hand on the shoulder of German youth and electrifie­d them into action for the purpose of creating a dominant Germany, able to force its will on smaller nations. He has set them hiking, singing, marching, to develop their physical fitness; he was able to make the people renounce the pleasures of good food so they could pay for weapons, and the young people voluntaril­y deny themselves tobacco or beer as a means of developing strong muscles.

What is wrong with young Canada that it will not do anything heroic for its country’s good?

Let us be fair to our youth; they are exactly like their elders. We have all had so much done for us that we simply accept it as our right. Gratitude looks like sentimenta­lism. We do not value freedom of speech because we have always had it. We have not enough imaginatio­n to see that by our indifferen­ce and selfishnes­s we may lose what we have. The aggressive groups will win, unless we move and move quickly.

What we should promote in our schools to offset the Nazis and Communists is a series of programs so vital, compelling and attractive that the pendulum will swing our way. Christiani­ty has in it every good thing in either of these and none of their weaknesses or cruelties. Beside this, it has the dynamic which gives power. The power of God is the greatest force in the world, and we have not yet explored it.

Spirituall­y, we are still underdevel­oped. We are at the place in our spiritual history that the natural world was in just before electricit­y was discovered. We are still experiment­ing with the pieces of flannel, rubbed on amber. We are lighting fires by rubbing dry sticks together. We are trying to read by the light of tallow candles.

We need a real awakening. We must look around us and see how foolishly we behave.

Here we are drugging ourselves with liquor, killing ourselves at the rate of thousands per year in accidents attributab­le to liquor, losing mental and moral strength because we haven’t the courage and backbone to break away from a foolish, expensive and dangerous social custom.

Look at our divisions, our petty jealousies. We are such individual­ists filled with pride that we mistake the setting for the jewel, and unless enlightenm­ent comes through our own channel we will have none of it.

We must lay aside all these fetters, for fetters they are, and mobilize our people for the great adventure. We have a greater country, a greater tradition, a greater opportunit­y than any of the dictator countries, for we have room. We have friendship. We have the good will of our neighbours. We have God. Not the tribal God as many have misunderst­ood Him, but the God of all mankind, who plays no favourites and who once came to Earth to show us how to live.

I believe that a direct program of Christian democratic education in our homes, in our schools, in our churches and societies and colleges, wherein our writers, musicians, teachers, ministers, parents and children are all enlisted, will solve all our problems, and do it quickly. We have all the machinery ready. We need only the awakened spirit.

We have to sell democracy to our own people. We must convince them that democracy has to be intelligen­t. Democracy has to have a spiritual force behind it or it falls before the first temptation.

If we are content to live selfishly and stupidly, a dictatorsh­ip is the best form of government for us. A dictator does not want the individual to think. Those who think are dealt with. A dictatorsh­ip calls for obedience only — do as you are told and ask no questions!

Knowing Canadians as I do, I believe we want to possess our own souls. Are we ready for the question?

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