Times Colonist

Abe Vigoda’s hit roles

Big break was Godfather but Abe Vigoda was best known as over-the-hill cop Phil Fish


NEW YORK — Character actor Abe Vigoda, whose leathery, sad-eyed face made him ideal for playing the over-the-hill detective Phil Fish in the 1970s TV series Barney Miller and the doomed Mafia soldier in The Godfather, died Tuesday at age 94.

Vigoda’s daughter, Carol Vigoda Fuchs, told The Associated Press that Vigoda died Tuesday morning in his sleep at Fuchs’ home in Woodland Park, New Jersey. The cause of death was old age. “This man was never sick,” Fuchs said.

His death brought to an end years of questions on whether he was still alive — sparked by a false report of his death more than three decades ago. Though Vigoda took it in stride, the question of whether he was dead or alive became something of a running joke: There was even a website devoted to answering the much-Googled question, “Is Abe Vigoda dead?” (On Tuesday, it had been updated with “Yes,” with the date of his death.)

Vigoda worked in relative obscurity as a supporting actor in the New York theatre and in television until Francis Ford Coppola cast him in the 1972 Oscar-winning The Godfather. Vigoda played Sal Tessio, an old friend of Vito Corleone’s (Marlon Brando) who hopes to take over the family after Vito’s death by killing his son Michael Corleone (Al Pacino). But Michael anticipate­s that Sal’s suggestion for a “peace summit” among crime families is a setup and the escorts Sal thought were taking him to the meeting turn out to be his executione­rs.

“Tell Mike it was only business,” Sal mutters to consiglier­e Tom Hagen (Robert Duvall) as he’s led away.

The great success of the film and The Godfather Part II made his face and voice, if not his name, recognizab­le to the general public and led to numerous roles, often as hoodlums.

But it was his comic turn in Barney Miller, which starred Hal Linden and ran from 1975 to 1982, that brought Vigoda’s greatest recognitio­n.

He liked to tell the story of how he won the role of Detective Fish. An exercise enthusiast, Vigoda had just returned from a five-mile jog when his agent called and told him to report immediatel­y to the office of Danny Arnold, who was producing a pilot for a police station comedy.

Arnold remarked that Vigoda looked tired, and the actor explained about his jog. “You know, you look like you might have hemorrhoid­s,” Arnold said. “What are you — a doctor or a producer?” Vigoda asked. He was cast on the spot.

The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows, a reference book, commented that Vigoda was the hit of Barney Miller.

“Not only did he look incredible, he sounded and acted like every breath might be his last,” it said. “Fish was always on the verge of retirement, and his worst day was when the station house toilet broke down.”

Vigoda remained a regular on Barney Miller until 1977, when he took the character to his own series, Fish. The storyline dealt with the detective’s domestic life and his relations with five street kids that he and his wife took into their home.

The show lasted a season and a half. Vigoda continued making occasional guest appearance­s on Barney Miller, quitting over billing and salary difference­s.

But he remained a popular character actor in films, including Cannonball Run II, Look Who’s Talking, Joe Versus the Volcano and North.

His resemblanc­e to Boris Karloff led to his casting in the 1986 New York revival of Arsenic and Old Lace, playing the role Karloff originated on the stage in the 1940s. (The murderous character in the black comedy is famously said by other characters to resemble Boris Karloff, a great joke back when the real Karloff was playing him.)

Born in New York City in 1921, Vigoda attended the Theater School of Dramatic Arts at Carnegie Hall. In the early 1950s, he appeared as straight man for the Jimmy Durante and Ed Wynn TV comedies.

For 30 years, he worked in the theatre, acting in dozens of plays in such diverse characters as John of Gaunt in Richard II (his favourite role) and Abraham Lincoln in the short-lived Broadway comedy Tough to Get Help.

Vigoda attributed his high percentage in winning roles to his performanc­e in auditions. Instead of delivering the tired soliloquie­s that most actors performed, he wrote his own, about a circus barker. At a surprise 80th birthday party in New Jersey in 2001, he gave a spirited recital of the monologue to the delight of the 100 guests.

Reflecting on his delayed success, Vigoda once remarked: “When I was a young man, I was told success had to come in my youth. I found this to be a myth. My experience­s have taught me that if you deeply believe in what you are doing, success can come at any age.”

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 ??  ?? Abe Vigoda’s comic turn as over-the-hill detective Phil Fish in Barney Miller brought the late-blooming actor his greatest recognitio­n.
Abe Vigoda’s comic turn as over-the-hill detective Phil Fish in Barney Miller brought the late-blooming actor his greatest recognitio­n.
 ??  ?? Actor Abe Vigoda died in his sleep Tuesday at 94.
Actor Abe Vigoda died in his sleep Tuesday at 94.

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