Times Colonist

Denmark to seize assets of refugees


COPENHAGEN — Danish lawmakers voted Tuesday to let police seize valuables worth more than $1,500 US from asylumseek­ers to help cover their housing and food costs while their cases are being processed.

After more than three hours of debate, the minority Liberal Party government’s bill was adopted in an 81-27 vote, with the support of the opposition Social Democrats and the anti-immigratio­n Danish People’s Party — Denmark’s two largest parties. One lawmaker abstained and 70 others were absent.

Amendments were made, including raising the value of items the asylumseek­ers can keep from 3,000 kroner ($440) to 10,000 kroner ($1,500). That brings it in line with welfare rules for Danes, who must sell assets worth more than 10,000 kroner before they can receive social benefits.

Denmark received about 20,000 asylum-seekers last year, one of the highest rates per capita in the European Union.

“We are talking about a real exodus,” said Martin Henriksen, immigratio­n spokesman for the populist Danish People’s Party. “More needs to be done: We need more border controls. We need tighter immigratio­n rules.”

Stéphane Dujarric, spokesman for the United Nations secretary-general, criticized Denmark, saying people who make the effort to reach Europe “should be treated with compassion and respect” and with full rights as refugees.

Two small centrist parties and two left-leaning groups opposed the law and attacked the government for tightening Denmark’s immigratio­n laws.

“This is a symbolic move to scare people away” from seeking asylum in Denmark, said Johanne Schmidt-Nielsen of the opposition left Red-Green Alliance that opposed the law. Party colleague Henning Hyllested called the law “sickly nationalis­m.”

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