Times Colonist

Concerns about housing project are genuine


Re: “Money freed for housing project,” Jan. 26.

Mayor Lisa Helps is reported to have called opposition to the use of Mount Edwards for housing “fear based” and compares it to concerns about a shelter, My Place, on Yates Street.

I doubt there would be opposition if the Mount Edwards project were like My Place — temporary, small, no visitors, 24-hour security and an expectatio­n of neighbourl­iness, including chores, a willingnes­s to abstain from drug use and a strict policy of no use of drugs or alcohol on the premises.

What is being scudded into our neighbourh­ood is a permanent, single-room occupancy hotel for 101 people with two staff. It is promoted as low-barrier housing, which means drug and alcohol use are allowed and a needle exchange will be provided. A supported injection site “might” be added. Given the civic restrictio­ns on tobacco use, residents will presumably inject illegal drugs indoors and smoke outside.

The only apparent “barrier” is that violent behaviour isn’t tolerated, which means fighters will be ejected to continue their disputes in public.

Many of us have written to Helps and council, and not received an acknowledg­ement of our concerns, let alone a response. However, she and councillor­s have the time to comment on oil tankers, Uber, an up-Island fill site and other matters of pressing local concern.

No, Mayor Helps, our opinions are not based on fear. They are rational and thoughtful, albeit based on the assumption that our elected officials would talk with us, instead of insulting us.

L.K. Trotter Victoria

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