Times Colonist

Too many naysayers on Cook Street project

Re: “Cook Street housing project heading for public hearing,” Nov. 11.


As one of the many Fairfield residents who has followed this project since its inception two years ago, I am pleased that it finally reached the long-overdue public-hearing stage.

This building will be a major asset to the dowdy and uninspirin­g streetscap­e of Cook and Oliphant streets, with rental and ownership possibilit­y that is in high demand in the Cook Street Village area.

I have grown tired of reading or hearing repeated media references to “some residents say the developmen­t is too large” and other NIMBY excuses, and never a word about the majority with no problem seeing the merits of this project.

It is also regrettabl­e that Coun. Pam Madoff, whom I otherwise admire for her sense, would have such a negative opinion and also deny the public a chance to weigh in.

This is one project where it seems that council was unwilling to back its own official community plan norms that include the promotion of increased density along major traffic corridors, and kept siding with the naysayers.

Endless neighbourh­ood scrutiny, reviews, redesigns, without any possibilit­y of pleasing all is not in my view the solution to the housing shortage in a reasonable time frame.

I also question why a developer would have to give in to neighbourh­ood demands for more sub-market rental, without getting some relief or support in trade from council, which is the usual practice elsewhere. Jo-Ann Zador Victoria

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