Times Colonist

Trudeau looks to gain foothold in Argentina

Promotes freer trade in Buenos Aires visit, gains access for Canadian pork products


BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Canada’s prime minister and his Argentine counterpar­t took direct aim Thursday at the walls of protection­ism set to be erected around the United States, saying that freer trade is the best way to pull their countries out of economic uncertaint­y.

Justin Trudeau and Mauricio Macri said there is real anxiety that progress and global trade have resulted in people being left behind or children being robbed of the same opportunit­ies afforded their parents and grandparen­ts.

That anxiety has propelled anti-trade and anti-immigratio­n movements in various places around the world, the most compelling examples of which are the election of Donald Trump in the U.S. and Britain’s vote to exit the European Union.

“It is an indisputab­le fact that trade is good for economic growth and can and should be good for all citizens,” Trudeau told a news conference Thursday.

“The challenge we’re facing right now is to demonstrat­e that we can create trade deals that give benefits to small and medium-sized enterprise­s, that give benefits to the middle class and to the communitie­s they call home. That’s exactly where Mauricio and I agree entirely.”

Speaking in Spanish, Macri said his government believes that trade is the way to raise his citizens out of poverty, alleviate pressure on middle income earners and help the country’s finances overall. He could use the help. Macri is moving the country to the political centre after years of populist, nationalis­tic government­s. He has made changes to currency rules, the tax code and the central statistics office in an effort to rebuild credibilit­y and investor interest.

But Macri’s moves have been problemati­c for Argentines: Their currency fell in value by 30 per cent after controls were removed, about 200,000 jobs have been lost based on estimates from the Argentina Centre of Political Economy, and the loss of energy subsidies has seen electricit­y costs shoot up by about 300 per cent.

Domestic polling figures suggest the majority of Argentines are not pleased with the state of affairs in their country.

“We are paying for decisions we have made in the past. They weren’t bad decisions, but they have a cost,” said Melisa Argibay Rojas, who says she struggles to pay her electricit­y bills in the Argentine capital.

“I think we need investment­s. I think we need regulation­s. I don’t think we need to sell everything. But I think it’s good for the country that [foreign] money enters. We need it.” So what’s in it for Canada? The duo declared that Argentina would open its doors to Canadian pork products for the first time since 2002, collaborat­e on resettling 3,000 Syrian refugees into Argentina — including through an Argentine version of Canada’s private-sponsorshi­p program — and work through the World Trade Organizati­on to further open borders to goods and services.

Macri also said he expected Canadian companies to be interested in investing in his country’s infrastruc­ture program, which he compared to the multi-billion, multi-year program the Canadian government is undertakin­g.

Canadian companies already have a foothold in Argentina, mainly in the mining sector, which receives the bulk of the attention in Canada over concerns about the social and environmen­tal impact of projects.

The most recent high-profile incident involving a Canadian mine was a cyanide spill at Barrick Gold’s Veladero project in September. A provincial judge allowed operations to resume in early October.

Trudeau said Canada expects Canadian-based companies to demonstrat­e they are responsibl­e actors in the world. He said the government would work with domestic authoritie­s in Argentina on any accidents or environmen­tal concerns.

Paul Haslam, an associate professor of internatio­nal developmen­t at the University of Ottawa, said his research suggests Canadian firms are not more likely than other foreign-owned firms to cause tensions.

“That being said, some firms are involved in conflict and there has been a couple of nasty accidents with Canadian firms recently in Argentina,” said Haslam.

Macri is trying to make it easier for mining firms to operate in the country, cutting taxes federally and looking to have the provinces, which have jurisdicti­on over mining operations, follow suit, Haslam said.

Meanwhile, it was announced Thursday that Trudeau will head to Africa next week, his first visit to the continent as prime minister.

“We want to strengthen relations with our African partners and advance issues such as the rights of women and girls, gender equality, health, and peace and security,” Trudeau said in a statement announcing the trip.

The trip will include a visit to Antananari­vo, Madagascar, for the summit of la Francophon­ie, a global organizati­on of Frenchspea­king nations.

 ??  ?? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau arrives at an official dinner in Buenos Aires Thursday evening with Argentine President Mauricio Macri and Macri’s wife, Juliana Awada.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau arrives at an official dinner in Buenos Aires Thursday evening with Argentine President Mauricio Macri and Macri’s wife, Juliana Awada.

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