Times Colonist

Keep editorial opinions out of arts section


Re: Critic’s Picks, Nov. 17. I thought opinion pieces were rightly to be found in the Times Colonist’s comment section. Instead the Critics’ Picks review of The Crucible in this week’s GO section included a political comment about Hillary Clinton. In that theatre critic’s opinion, Clinton has suffered an “overblown email scandal,” and he strongly implies that she’s been the subject of a witch-hunt.

No, overblown it wasn’t. According to the FBI’s finding of fact, in her four years as U.S. secretary of state, Clinton exhibited “extreme carelessne­ss” in her handling of classified informatio­n. Remember, Clinton is a lawyer. She supposedly knows the law and understood that she was going rogue and violating government policy by setting up a secret, private server. Yet she claims she did so for her personal “convenienc­e.”

But wait, there’s more. This lack of judgment, her “factually false” statements and her convenient way of looking out for herself have been recurring themes throughout her career. Let’s not forget the Benghazi scandal, the shady Clinton Foundation dealings, the Whitewater scandal, Travelgate, the Tyson cattle futures scandal, the rigged (against Bernie Sanders) Democratic nomination, and the bogus claim of enduring sniper fire in Bosnia. Will your theatre critic opine on these too in an arts review?

Editorial opinions and comments belong in one section, the arts in another. Please keep them separate. Dolores Bell Victoria

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