Times Colonist

Liberals defeat NDP motion on broken promise


OTTAWA — The federal Liberals have defeated a motion that accused the government of misleading Canadians on electoral reform and demanded they apologize for their broken promise.

The motion put forward in the House of Commons by the New Democrats was rejected 175 to 129 Tuesday.

“Believe me when I say this ain’t over,” NDP MP Nathan Cullen said after the vote.

“Canadians expected more from this prime minister. They believed that he was going to be different, and this betrayal of such a black-and-white promise shows him to be, unfortunat­ely, more of the cynical same,” said Cullen, the NDP critic for electoral reform.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised in the Liberal campaign platform and in the subsequent speech from the throne to change the way Canadians cast ballots in time for 2019.

The Liberal government abandoned that idea this month, arguing their consultati­ons on the issue did not produce a consensus on whether to change the status quo, as promised, or what should replace the current firstpast-the-post voting system.

During question period in the House of Commons, Cullen pressed Trudeau for an apology.

“Canadians voted for a change from a government that had been unable to deliver on economic growth for the middle class, had been unable to deliver the kind of vision for this country that Canadians needed,” Trudeau replied.

The Conservati­ves, the Bloc Quebecois and Green party leader Elizabeth May voted with the New Democrats on the opposition day motion.

Democratic Institutio­ns Minister Karina Gould acknowledg­ed some younger voters were disappoint­ed with the Liberals’ choice not to go ahead with electoral reform.

“I was very heartened over the past couple of weeks to see people register their disappoint­ment, or to engage, because I think it’s a hallmark of our democracy that we can both agree and disagree equally as peacefully and have those conversati­ons,” Gould said in the Senate chamber during question period Tuesday.

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