Times Colonist

B.C. must learn to live within its budget


Re: “B.C. budget cuts 2M MSP premiums in half,” Feb. 22. I raised five children by myself on one income. I learned sometimes you go over your budget just keeping them fed, clothed and warm.

The secret is not going into debt for things not needed immediatel­y. Example: Site C dam. I cannot live long enough to see it paid for. It will be up to my children, grandchild­ren and great-grandkids to pay for it.

Bridges, dams, highways. Soon B.C. won’t have a high credit rating. You can only owe so much before it starts to fall into the basement.

I wouldn’t brag about surplus. We have the highest child-poverty rate in Canada. The medical system in chaos.

Next year when I register, I only have to pay about $37.50 Medical Services Plan monthly for a doctor I don’t have.

Things are certainly looking up. Carol Kendall Langford

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