Times Colonist

Give GPs bigger role in helping youth quit smoking, experts say


TORONTO — Primary-care doctors should take a more active role in preventing young Canadians from starting smoking and helping those who have already taken up the habit to butt out for good, says a group of experts that develops clinical practice guidelines.

The recommenda­tion is at the heart of the first guidance on smoking in children and youth aged five to 18, developed by the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care.

“Rates of smoking have decreased over the last couple of decades, but they seem to have plateaued and they’re still much too high,” said Dr. Brett Thombs, chairman of the four-member tobacco working group within the task force, which penned the guidelines released this week.

“And among Canadian youth, by the time children and adolescent­s are in 12th grade, 36 per cent have tried smoking,” said Thombs, a professor in the faculty of medicine at McGill University in Montreal. “And that’s simply way too high given the massive burden of smoking on health and on our economy.”

The guideline document, published in the Canadian Medical Associatio­n Journal, cites data showing 18 per cent of youth in Grades 6 to 12 have tried cigarettes.

“Almost 90 per cent of adult smokers started before they were 18, and we know that people who start smoking as children and youth are much less likely to quit later on,” said Thombs, noting that although the adverse health effects might primarily show up later in life, they are accrued over a lifetime of tobacco use.

Smokers are at risk of lung, throat, pancreatic and bladder cancers, as well as chronic obstructiv­e pulmonary disease and cardiovasc­ular disease that can lead to a heart attack or stroke. “If we can stop [them smoking] during childhood and adolescenc­e, there’s a much better chance that they won’t even get into that period of high risk,” he said.

For prevention, the task force recommends that primary-care providers first ascertain whether children and teenagers are smoking and provide brief informatio­n to both them and their parents on the risks of tobacco use and strategies for dealing with any peer pressure to smoke.

The recommenda­tion for treating youth who have smoked in the previous 30 days is similar, but includes advice on ways to stop the potentiall­y addictive habit before it becomes ingrained.

While primarily aimed at doctors, the guidelines also apply to other primary-care providers, such as nurses and behaviour alhealth specialist­s, Thombs said.

“It’s only one piece of the puzzle — no single interventi­on is going to stop children and adolescent­s from smoking,” he said, adding that the anti-smoking message can also be delivered in schools and through provincial and federal government media campaigns.

The task force, an independen­t body of primary-care and prevention experts, based its recommenda­tions on a review of clinical trials that looked at behavioura­l interventi­ons such as providing informatio­n and counsellin­g.

Thombs said research showed that such interventi­ons resulted in an 18 per cent reduction in the likelihood of a child or teen starting to smoke in the six months following a clinical trial, while teenagers who smoked and took part in cessation programs were 34 per cent more likely to butt out after the interventi­on.

 ??  ?? Those who start smoking young are less likely to quit later, the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care says.
Those who start smoking young are less likely to quit later, the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care says.

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