Times Colonist

Can eating beets stop gallbladde­r problems?

- DR. KEITH ROACH Your Good Health Dr. Roach is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporat­e them in the column whenever possible. Email questions to ToYourGood­Health@med.cornell.edu.

Dear Dr. Roach: Do you know of any evidence saying that beets could stop a gallbladde­r attack? Is there a mechanism by which this is plausible?

M.J. A gallbladde­r attack is caused by the gallbladde­r squeezing to release stored bile in response to eating food. But it cannot do this when the duct is blocked, usually by a stone.

Treatment is supportive. The goal is allowing the inflammati­on to decrease before elective removal of the gallbladde­r. Most people are recommende­d to have elective gallbladde­r removal, because the likelihood of recurrent attacks is high.

I read many websites that say beets are good for the liver or for the gallbladde­r. It is true that a diet high in vegetables tends to decrease the rate of gallstone formation.

However, for a severe, acute attack, hospitaliz­ation is indicated. The risk of severe complicati­ons, including infection and perforatio­n of the gallbladde­r, is high enough that careful monitoring is essential.

I could find no reliable evidence that beets have a significan­t impact on gallbladde­r attacks. Dear Dr. Roach: How safe is it to take biotin? I took it for four months and then stopped because I read that it interferes with the thyroid. Does it interfere with medication­s? I’m losing some hair, my skin is dry and my nails peel and crack. I heard that biotin helps.

Anon. Biotin, a B vitamin, is very safe when taken in reasonable quantities, such as the 30 micrograms in most vitamin supplement­s. One study looked at a much higher dose, 2,500 micrograms (the same as 2.5 milligrams), and found limited benefit to hair and skin.

Biotin does not affect the thyroid, but it can affect the laboratory tests designed to look at the thyroid. Depending on the type of test used, taking biotin can cause a false high result or a false low result, so people who decide to try high-dose biotin for skin and nails should tell their doctor about it, in order to prevent confusion. Dear Dr. Roach: So many seniors wear medical alert-type devices. Are there any long-term health effects associated with their use? They sit on the chest cavity if using the necklace type. Alongside the protection from falls and possible broken bones, are there concerns being raised with this protection? I am concerned about the lithium batteries.

J.S. In rare cases, lithium batteries — the rechargeab­le type used in cellphones and computers — can fail in an explosive fashion, but this does not happen to the small button-type batteries in a device such as a medical-alert necklace. Button batteries themselves are dangerous to swallow, but that’s a fear for infants and toddlers. The low voltage of the battery makes any concern about electromag­netic fields nonexisten­t.

In my opinion, the risks are negligible compared with the benefit of being able to call for help in an emergency (or having help alerted for you, as is the case with some devices that can recognize if you suffer a fall). Not many people will need them, but I think of it as a reasonable insurance policy that is appropriat­e if affordable.

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