Times Colonist

Willie or won’t he be behind Canucks’ bench



VANCOUVER — Willie Desjardins is not ready to leave the Vancouver Canucks.

Whether the Canucks are ready to leave him remains to be seen.

A year ago, almost to the day, Canucks president Trevor Linden emphatical­ly backed his head coach, promised he’d return and even chided anyone who dared question his decision.

This week, Linden was far less absolute when asked flat-out on TSN 1040’s morning radio show if this is it for Desjardins in Vancouver. His response? Essentiall­y, we’ll see.

Desjardins was quizzed about all of this Wednesday and mid-question his face started flickering with a “here we go” gleam. He knew the question was coming. He also knew exactly what Linden had said.

“I think it always matters to you, how can it not matter?” Desjardins said. “That’s your job you’re looking at. But I can’t control that. I can control what I do with the team.

“The organizati­on always has to look at things, they just have to.”

And when he said it’s a job “you’re looking at,” he’s not exaggerati­ng. Desjardins may have the most watched job in the Lower Mainland these days. It’s not without reason.

The Canucks’ special teams have been agonizingl­y impotent and shockingly uninventiv­e, steadily maintainin­g a bottom-six ranking in both the power play and the penalty kill. That doesn’t seem good.

There’s been a long list of curious deployment calls, perfectly summed up by juxtaposin­g his tendency to give Jayson Megna all the ice time with his affection for benching Nikolay Goldobin, who is far younger with far more electricit­y.

Overall, last year’s Canucks were reviewed as a disaster. Desjardins even said he still thinks about how poorly that team performed. Thing is, this year’s Canucks have the same number of points (64) after the same number of games (66) which sure doesn’t howl improvemen­t.

But in recent days, Desjardins has at times made a persuasive case on why he should be back, continuing to point out how hard his team has competed and how he’s got a lot out of a handful of Vancouver’s youngest players by making them “earn” their ice time.

“There are so many ways to look at a job, what a person’s done and where they’re at,” Desjardins said. “To me, it’s sticking up for your players, battling for your players.

“And it’s finding a way to get the best of them and that’s what I do, and that’s what I want to continue doing. If it’s not a fit, then it’s not a fit. But that doesn’t change how I go about doing it.”

With the youngest players, he’s arguably had his biggest successes. Bo Horvat, Sven Baertschi and Markus Granlund are all contributi­ng offensive players and they all developed on Desjardins’ watch.

“I am thankful he’s been my coach,” Baertschi said. “With me, he was really patient at the start. I was not playing my best hockey but he was patient with me. He knew what my potential was. He just stuck with it and he stayed with me.

“That’s the kind of guy he is. He’s patient and he knows what you can do out there. As long as you compete for him, everything will be fine.”

You could make a case that Desjardins was most let down this season by the players most out of his control. The Sedins and veterans the current management group brought in, including Loui Eriksson, Brandon Sutter and Luca Sbisa, all flopped to varying degrees.

Say this for Desjardins, he has the right attitude for a coach in charge of a ragtag roster.

“Winning is important to me, I think about it a lot,” Desjardins said. “I’m excited when we win.

“But more important is how we compete. I can walk away from a game if we’ve competed hard and lose. If you give the best you have and lose, that’s all you can do.”

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