Times Colonist

More to constipati­on than grunting

- W. GIFFORD-JONES The Doctor Game info@docgiff.com

You think constipati­on isn’t important?

If so, an article in the American Journal of Gastroente­rology suggests you’d better think again.

Annually, in the U.S., 700,000 people are seen in hospital emergency wards for this problem. Since 2006, there has been a 42 per cent increase in constipati­on, costing $1.6 billion US. So what’s gone wrong and what are the medical consequenc­es other than grunting?

Constipati­on can be merely a chronic annoyance affecting quality of life.

But Dr. John R. Hyatt, gastroente­rologist at the Baylor Regional Medical Center at Plano, Texas, says: “It can also result in hemorrhoid­s, anal tears, fissures, rectal prolapse and fecal impaction.”

Fecal impaction is no fun. It occurs when a large fecal mass cannot be passed. This can result in pain, bleeding, vomiting, a rapid pulse, dehydratio­n, even confusion.

A poor lifestyle is often responsibl­e for many cases of constipati­on.

Dr. Michael Levitt, an Australian colon-rectal surgeon, writes in The Bowel Book that bowels work best when stools resemble the shape and consistenc­y of an unripe banana.

But most stools are far from banana-like because of poor fibre intake, inadequate fluids, lack of exercise, faulty bowel habits — such as delaying a bowel movement and overuse of laxatives and enemas.

Another big cause is the “pillitis epidemic” of prescripti­on medication, such as antidepres­sants, sedatives, iron supplement­s, blood pressure medication and pain killers, which decrease bowel motility. Medical diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes and Parkinson’s disease can affect bowel function.

So how can you prevent the complicati­ons of a constipate­d bowel? Remember what circus promoters Barnum and Bailey used to say: “There’s a sucker born every day.” They’re the ones who fall prey to highpowere­d ads that promote laxatives to treat constipati­on. This practice over a period of time can destroy the nerves in the bowel, resulting in a lifetime of laxative use.

Another problem is that most North Americans only get 15 grams of dietary fibre daily, when it should be double that amount. Increased fibre holds on to water making stools soft as toothpaste rather than hard as rock.

Years ago, readers complained that I gave them stiff necks. I had advised that they look back at the toilet bowl to see if their stools floated. That’s a good sign of sufficient fibre.

Also, it’s best to have a bowel movement early in the morning. Get up a little earlier, eat a highfibre cereal, along with added fruit. A hot beverage also helps to trigger the gastro-colic reflex that stimulates a bowel movement.

But suppose you have done all the right things and are still grunting on the toilet. It’s never a good idea to succumb to laxatives. This always ends up as a no-win decision.

There is a normal, safe and effective natural remedy that works 99 per cent of the time. Many years ago, I interviewe­d Dr. Linus Pauling. During my interview with Pauling, he made a chance remark that surprised me. He said: “I always take a high dose of powdered vitamin C in the morning as it stops constipati­on.”

How much vitamin C is needed varies from person to person. But a good starting dose is 2,000 milligrams at bedtime and another 2,000 mg with breakfast. There’s a good chance of a BM in about 30 minutes.

If this does not happen, gradually increase the dosage. Eventually, grunting will stop. And who wants to face the embarrassm­ent of fecal impaction?

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