Times Colonist

Parliament­ary reforms: What’s gone, what’s on, what may come


OTTAWA — The federal government has backed down on some of its more contentiou­s proposals for changing the ins and outs of parliament­ary procedure, while promising to push ahead with the ones in their 2015 campaign platform. Here is a look at where things stand: What’s gone? • The Liberal government had proposed bringing in something called “programmin­g,” modelled after the system used in Britain. It involves scheduling a set amount of time to move government bills through the legislativ­e process. It can bring some predictabi­lity, but also means limiting the ability of the opposition parties to surprise and to stall. • The Liberals also wanted to put a 10-minute cap on the length of time an MP could speak during a committee meeting. The suggestion was meant to cut down on filibuster­ing, although the government said MPs could sign up for as many 10-minute speaking periods as they wished. • The Liberals had suggested bringing in electronic voting to remove the need for MPs to drop what they are doing and come stand up in the House of Commons every time the bells ring. What’s still on? • One question period each week would be dedicated to grilling the prime minister. The government has promised Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will not use it as an excuse to avoid showing up on other days. Trudeau began implementi­ng this practice, without having to change the standing orders, last month, but the Liberals say they want to make sure future prime ministers do it too. • The Speaker would have the power to allow separate votes and committee studies on different sections of an omnibus bill, which would counter a move by the government to package dozens of unrelated measures into one massive piece of legislatio­n in order to avoid proper scrutiny or force the hand of the opposition parties. • The Liberals promised they would not prorogue Parliament early as a way to get out of a tricky situation, as the previous Conservati­ve government did in 2008 to avoid a confidence vote. They want to require government­s to issue a report explaining their reasons for proroguing as soon as Parliament returns. That report could then be studied at committee and debated in the Commons. • The government also wants to change the schedule for the release of spending estimates so that they reflect measures included in the annual federal budget. What might come later? • The government had proposed doing away with sparsely attended Friday sittings, or making Fridays like any other day of the week, with the same hours and business to be done. Now, the Liberals are asking opposition parties to ask their respective caucuses what they think about re-allocating the time now spent on Fridays to other days or weeks in the parliament­ary calendar.

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