Times Colonist

Fort Mac marks wildfire anniversar­y


FORT MCMURRAY, Alta. — Residents of Fort McMurray on Wednesday marked the first anniversar­y of the wildfire that destroyed 10 per cent of the city with early-morning yoga classes, picnics by the river, visits with friends or — in some cases — nothing at all.

The fire in northern Alberta ignited deep in the bush on May 1, 2016, and exploded into a ferocious blaze that forced the evacuation of the entire city two days later.

More than 80,000 people fled as towering flames licked at their homes and crackled along the only highway out of the city.

“Everyone needs to do their own thing to mark this day,” said Melissa Blake, mayor of the Wood Buffalo regional municipali­ty that includes Fort McMurray.

Blake said more and more rebuilt homes are springing up with the warm weather, but she cautioned that full recovery will take years.

“If you drive through the neighbourh­oods that were most impacted, you’ll find a buzz of activity,” Blake said Wednesday.

“However, these are still the early days of our recovery. We know that it’s going to be a much longer process than any of us would ever want.”

The majority of Fort McMurray was spared, but flames consumed nearly 2,600 dwelling units, which were mostly residentia­l.

The municipali­ty said that as of April 27, 652 rebuild permits had been approved. Almost three dozen families moved into new homes as of last month.

Alberta Premier Rachel Notley said it was a day to mourn two young people who died in a highway crash as they fled — Emily Ryan, 15, and Aaron Hodgson, 19.

“We also mourn all that the fire took from people: their homes, their baby photos and all the belongings that helped to anchor so many cherished memories,” she said.

She said people always ask about the oilsands city no matter where she travels.

“People from the U.S. to China to Japan are inspired by you and inspired by the bravery, the strength and the resilience that this community did show and continues to show,” Notley said.

 ?? CP ?? Fort McMurray residents embrace Wednesday as the community observed the first anniversar­y of last May’s devastatin­g wildfire.
CP Fort McMurray residents embrace Wednesday as the community observed the first anniversar­y of last May’s devastatin­g wildfire.

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