Times Colonist

Writing professor’s colouring book pokes fun at university life


MINNEAPOLI­S — Julie Schumacher found plenty of fodder for her career detour into adult colouring books from two decades teaching at the University of Minnesota, which has its own therapy animals for stressed-out students to pet.

With simple line drawings by illustrato­r Lauren Nassef, Doodling for Academics (The University of Chicago Press) pokes fun at the college world the professor of English and creative writing last skewered in her 2014 satire, Dear Committee Members.

Its 41 pages of wry jokes ready for colouring include a crosssecti­on of a student’s brain (Weekend Booze Run and YouTube Binge take up a lot more space than Assignment­s.) Schumacher doesn’t spare her colleagues, with a crosssecti­on of a faculty member’s brain preoccupie­d by Colonoscop­y Results, Hole in Favourite Pants and Pending Divorce. She also includes a panel showing “the many readers who will enjoy your dissertati­on” — it’s a field of flowers with a deer, pheasant and mouse.

Schumacher, 58, won the Thurber Prize for American Humor for Dear Committee Members, a comic series of imagined and increasing­ly desperate letters of recommenda­tion from a hapless professor at a small Midwestern college.

Her protagonis­t in that book, Jason T. Fitger, an English professor at fictional Payne University, “knows he’s riding his profession on the way down, and it’s very depressing to him,” Schumacher said. Fitger’s litany of complaints included the school’s lavish spending on its business department and the constant renovation of the crumbling English department building.

Doodling for Academics picks up many of the same themes, including lack of love for the arts and humanities amid preoccupat­ion with the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineerin­g and Math) field.

The slim book is meant to follow a day in the life of a student or teacher. It starts with what Schumacher calls the “magical dreamworld of academia” with a No. 1 bestseller, money falling from the sky and an endowed chair. After that, she argues, the career path starts to resemble the board game Chutes and Ladders, including such pitfalls as “Angry Department Chair — Lose Two Turns.” The book ends with after-hour drinks at the visiting scholar dinner.

It also includes a therapy dog — a nod to some of the actual animals the campus health office makes available at Schumacher’s school.

“It’s intended to be funny, whether you get the crayon out of the box or leave it in there,” Schumacher said.

She originally thought the book would be easy — a “twoweek interrupti­on” — but it ultimately took half a year. Nassef, her Chicago-based illustrato­r, had also never done a colouring book before.

The two started with a long list of possible working pages and pared the final edit down from “all the brainstorm­ing we did,” Nassef said.

“The text and illustrati­ons have to work together,” Nassef said. “I really tried to understand the tone Julie was going for … while using the drawing style I feel comfortabl­e with.”

Schumacher, who graduated from Oberlin College in Ohio and got her Master of Fine Arts from Cornell University in New York State, published her first novel, The Body Is Water, in 1995. While trying to write another novel she got stuck and spent a period writing children’s books before returning to more grown-up fare with Dear Committee Members.

Now she is working on another novel. Will it be funny?

“I hope so,” Schumacher said.

 ?? THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Julie Schumacher’s Doodling for Academics follows a day in the life of a student or a teacher.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Julie Schumacher’s Doodling for Academics follows a day in the life of a student or a teacher.

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