Times Colonist

Reena Nerbas

- REENA NERBAS Solutions & Substituti­ons

Dear Reena: Can the dents in my stainless-steel fridge be repaired?

Vi There is a theory that if you heat the dents with a hair dryer or press dry ice onto the area and then blast it with cold air, the dents should release and vanish. After researchin­g this theory, I have found it unsuccessf­ul. The safest and least noticeable solution is to leave the dent (s) as is.

Dear Reena: Is there a product that I can use to get rid of ants, and is safe for pets and kids?


There are several solutions for tackling ants. What works for one will not necessaril­y work for another since there is such a large variety of ant species, but here are a few ideas that are safe for children. To begin with, seal all doors and windows. Next, many ants will stay away if they smell what they consider an unpleasant odour, such as cinnamon, garlic, tea leaves or coffee grounds. You can also sprinkle anthills with dry oatmeal, cornmeal or Cornflake cereal.

Another option is to make what I like to call “rhubarb tea.” In a stainless-steel pot, boil rhubarb leaves with water. Pour the cooled liquid onto anthills. This helps get rid of ants and, because of the oxalic acid in rhubarb, the pots will appear sparkly and clean! Another suggestion: Ants are territoria­l, so pile the dirt from one anthill onto the dirt of another anthill. Or push a metal pipe into anthills and pour hot water and tea tree oil into the pipe.

Feedback from readers:

Re: Freshening Your Home Dear Reena: Your suggestion regarding homemade air fresheners was so disappoint­ing. You didn’t once suggest that a good airing of your home will help with freshening the air and reducing odours. The industry has convinced us that clean, fresh air is not a desired odour so we have to mask it with cinnamon, lemon, fresh linen, tropical fruits and all kinds of odours. I am someone who must detour around the fragrance counters in large stores, use “fragrance free” laundry soaps and softeners, and can start gagging and coughing when I come into a space that has recently been “freshened.” It isn’t necessary. Keep your garbage, composting, bathroom and all other waste bins closed and emptied frequently, and open your windows every day (and doors where feasible), for 15 minutes so air can pass through and freshen naturally. My mother used to do this even in winter, though only for a few minutes when it was cold and when few others were at home. Modern homes, especially, are super-sealed and air gets trapped and “over used.” Masking it with another odour doesn’t help. Only fresh air can really freshen your home.

Elaine Re: Eliminatin­g Scum in Bird Baths

Dear Reena: I heard that sticking copper pennies into a bird bath will eliminate scum and build-up. Trust me, it works!


Handy Tip of the Week

• I use a fabric softener sheet on my hairbrush to prevent static. It also makes cleaning the brush a snap. Simply push a fabric softener sheet onto the bristles of the brush. After a week or so, lift the fabric softener up from the bristles and toss it into the garbage. Voilà, A clean brush and no static in your hair.


Note: Every user assumes all risks of injury or damage resulting from the implementa­tion of any suggestion­s in this column. Test all products on an inconspicu­ous area first.

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