Times Colonist

Kelowna teen buoys hospice by swimming English Channel


KELOWNA — While many teens spend summers relaxing, a 17-year-old from Kelowna has been pushing her body and mind to the limits and raising thousands of dollars for charity in the process.

Emily Epp swam across the English Channel this month in a gruelling trek that took nearly 12 hours to complete.

Wearing just a bathing suit, a swim cap and goggles, Epp braved chilly, choppy waters and ocean swells that left her nauseated for hours.

She said her family and coaches on the pilot boat tried everything they could to get some fuel into her body.

“For about an hour, all I ate was ginger ale and a few M&Ms!” Epp said in an email after the swim. “But I was able to shake it off and continue swimming, and I’m very thankful for that.”

The Channel Swimming Associatio­n says on its website that the English Channel is “considered by many to be the ultimate long-distance challenge,” because the approximat­ely 32-kilometre stretch hosts a variety of difficult conditions, including cold waters, high waves and occasional debris such as seaweed and wood planks.

Epp found that the waters are also home to a variety of sea creatures, including jellyfish that stung her several times during her swim. But the teen persevered and as she approached France, Epp saw something colourful in the sky.

“We could see fireworks all along the coast for Bastille Day celebratio­ns,” she said. “My boat pilot teased me that he had set it up just for me!”

Epp said swimming across the English Channel took nearly three years of training, including cold-water and endurance swims in Okanagan Lake. She also talked to people who have swum the channel.

“I was very fortunate to have some incredible mentors help me,” Epp said.

In June, she put her training to the test, swimming about 30 kilometres around Bowen Island off the coast of Vancouver in just under 11 hours.

Epp has been working hard on dry land, too, using her epic swim to fundraise for a children’s hospice that has provided crucial care for her family.

“When I found out that most [English] Channel swimmers choose something to fundraise for, I immediatel­y knew I would try to raise money for Canuck Place,” Epp said.

The family started receiving care there about five years ago for Emily’s sister, Elan, who lost all of her motor control following a viral infection when she was 18 months old.

Emily’s goal was to raise $4,000 for Canuck Place. She has now brought in more than $44,000, and those funds will be matched by a Vancouver-based foundation.

 ??  ?? Emily Epp points to her name on a board at a pub in Dover, U.K., where English Channel crossings are commemorat­ed.
Emily Epp points to her name on a board at a pub in Dover, U.K., where English Channel crossings are commemorat­ed.

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