Times Colonist

Dress codes spark debate over policing girls’ bodies

Some parents say rules unfairly target female students in Grades 6 to 9


When Karen Green sends her two daughters, ages nine and 12, back to school in next week, she knows she’ll have to contend with their school’s dress code. The rules prohibit tops with straps narrower than the width of three fingers; skirts, shorts or dresses shorter than the length of extended fingertips when a student’s arms are extended down the sides of their body; and abdomen-, back- and shoulder-baring tops, among other things.

Green believes the dress code unfairly targets girls in a certain age group — those in Grades 6 through 9, who are likely going through puberty.

“It’s not my child’s issue to make sure that nobody knows she’s wearing a bra. It’s everybody else’s issue to accept what a growing girl’s body looks like, and to not be distracted by it,” said Green, whose children attend a school in Chatham, Ont.

The message such dress-code rules send, she argues, is that as soon as girls start to develop, their bodies must be policed.

“It is something that they must be completely aware of covering at all times,” said Green, adding that girls who develop earlier are not allowed to wear the same clothes as their friends. “It instils a sense of shame.”

Every year, stories surface of girls being told to go home to change into clothing that adheres to local dress codes.

In one expert’s view, telling girls how to dress implies that it’s their job to make sure that boys aren’t distracted by their bodies, which is insulting to both sexes.

“Boys are basically represente­d as prisoners of their hormones. [They] just can’t help it and it’s not their fault. Girls, on the other hand, are seen as the gatekeeper­s of morality,” said Shauna Pomerantz, a Brock University child and youth studies associate professor and author of Girls, Style and School Identities: Dressing the Part.

Schools have used dress codes to “control” students, she added.

“In many people’s minds, how you look equates to how you act,” Pomerantz said.

Mark Sherman, the superinten­dent for the Lambton-Kent District School Board, where Green’s children attend school, said dress codes help create a “modest, business-like” atmosphere.

He notes that principals are the ones who establish dress codes, which reflect community standards, and that the process includes consultati­on with parents.

“[Dress codes] are defined by the communitie­s that the schools operate in. It’s a process designed to get input from parents through the school council,” Sherman said. “They want to have a safe, respectful learning environmen­t.”

The Toronto District School Board also said their dress code policy is developed through “a conversati­on with the whole school community.” Spokespers­on Shari Schwartz-Maltz acknowledg­ed, however, that some schools haven’t updated their dress code in many years.

For some parents, dress codes help create an environmen­t where everyone can be comfortabl­e.

Toronto parent Terry Perdue, a single mother of five, recalls a November 2016 incident when one of her daughters was told by a teacher that her V-neck sweater was too low-cut to be worn on its own. Perdue also received a phone call from the teacher during the school day.

“It was awkward,” she said. “The teacher explained to me that [her cleavage] was distractin­g the male children in the classroom.”

Perdue said her daughter was in Grade 9 at the time, at a school that’s part of the Toronto District School Board. The school’s dress code, among other things, states that it is unacceptab­le for cleavage and undergarme­nts to be showing.

Her daughter’s undergarme­nts weren’t exposed, but the teacher suggested she wear a T-shirt underneath the sweater, Perdue said. He also mentioned that her daughter was one of three girls in the class.

Despite the fact that her daughter was embarrasse­d and offended by the incident, Perdue said she understood where the teacher was coming from. She describes her daughter as a bigger girl who developed early.

“I think you should be able to wear whatever you feel comfortabl­e in as a [girl], but you got to think of other people too, especially teenagers and all their hormones,” Perdue said. “You can’t be judgmental.”

But one former school board chair rejects an argument often made in support of dress codes — that certain clothing that girls wear might make boys uncomforta­ble.

“We need to raise [and educate] our boys to respect and not sexualize the clothing that [girls] choose to wear,” said Patti Bacchus, a former Vancouver School Board chair and trustee, who believes it’s important to include students in discussion­s about dress codes.

Schools should focus on supporting students and ensuring they have the best learning opportunit­ies available instead of policing the width of a shoulder strap, she said, arguing that she doesn’t see how dress codes improve learning.

“I question the need for them,” Bacchus said. “We need to teach students to respect other students’ bodies, their individual rights and diversity.”

 ?? TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE ?? Students Julia Fuller, Rob Willm and Margo Goodale model clothes deemed by some schools to be inappropri­ate for the classroom.
TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE Students Julia Fuller, Rob Willm and Margo Goodale model clothes deemed by some schools to be inappropri­ate for the classroom.

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