Times Colonist

Does garlic lower blood pressure?


WINNIPEG — It’s great for pasta sauce and for repelling vampires, but the jury’s still out on how effective garlic is at lowering blood pressure.

Dr. Peter Jones is the principal investigat­or in a new study taking place at the University of Manitoba’s Richardson Centre for Functional Foods and Nutraceuti­cals.

He and his team are looking into the age-old question and hoping to get a more definitive answer.

In an interview, Jones said there are studies indicating that garlic works to lower hypertensi­on, but other studies have failed to confirm the findings.

He’s looking for 40 participan­ts to take part in his own study on the issue.

It’s open to non-smoking men and women ages 40-70 years old who have elevated blood pressure, but are not currently taking any blood-pressure lowering medication.

Participan­ts will randomly take two rounds of pills — one is a placebo and the other contains aged garlic extract.

“The benefit of having each individual as his or her own control is that everything else is maintained in terms of physiology within that individual,” Jones says.

Participan­ts will also wear an ambulatory blood pressure cuff during the day that takes readings every few minutes and saves the results on a chip.

Jones said this piece of technology will allow for more accurate data sharing and eliminate the need for participan­ts to go into a clinic for testing.

He said many people have a reaction in clinical settings commonly known as “the white coat effect.”

“Your blood pressure spikes,” he says. “So it’s an inaccurate reading.”

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