Times Colonist

United. We Do More.

Victoria Labour Council Sponsors United Way’s Campaign Kick-off Event for 8th Year in a Row


“Values like fairness, equality and working together are what drive us to make a difference. This is why the Victoria Labour Council works closely with United Way to foster change in the community.” – Michael Eso, President, Victoria Labour Council

As United Way Greater Victoria (UWGV) gets ready to kick-off their 80th anniversar­y fall community campaign season, we are taking a moment to pause and recognize the invaluable partnershi­ps that have helped raise the over $160 million for the community since 1937. We celebrate this spirit of solidarity and the belief that together, we can change lives with this year’s campaign theme – United. We Do More.

The Victoria Labour Council (VLC) has once again shown their leadership and commitment to the community and United Way by sponsoring the 2017 United Way Campaign Kick-off event at The Bay Centre on Sept. 18, from 1 to 2:30 p.m.

The Victoria Labour Council (VLC), with its over 25,000 members, was founded over 100 years ago and is one of the oldest labour councils in BC. It is also one of UWGV’s longest and strongest running partnershi­p. Working together in a United Way, UWGV and the VLC to bring hope, possibilit­y and change to the most vulnerable members of our community and our friends, family members, co-workers and union brothers and sisters.

Not only does this partnershi­p represent 62 per cent of the money raised during our 2016 workplace campaign, from companies that have unions present in their workforce, but many of these caring and committed people also serve as labour representa­tive volunteers on UWGV’s Board, Campaign Cabinet and Labour Committee, and as Campaign Associates on workplace campaigns.

“For Canada’s unions, making life better for working people is, to put it simply, a labour of love. Values like fairness, equality and working together are what drive us to make a difference. This is why the Victoria Labour Council works closely with United Way to foster change in the community.

“Both nationally and locally, United Way and organized labour share a common vision of an inclusive community with a wide range of social and public services that are accessible for everyone,” says Mike Eso, President, Victoria Labour Council and UWGV Campaign Co-Chair 2016 and 2017 Campaigns.

“Many people in the community struggle to pay their rent, provide their kids with a healthy meal or are fighting addictions. This is where United Way steps in to give a helping hand, and the reason why I support them. Union members across the region can be proud of the work we do with United Ways.”


Beyond United Way’s kick-off event, VLC is also sponsoring UWGV’s BE UNITED contest at The Bay Centre. From Sept. 18 to Oct. 8, snap a photo of yourself as the ‘I’ in the UNITED display in centre court and share it on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag #unitedyyj to enter to win $1,000 Bay Centre gift card for yourself and $1,000 for your charity of choice.

For more informatio­n, visit: uwgv.ca/beunited<http://uwgv.ca/beunited.

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