Times Colonist

Zimbabwe vice-president fired, opening way for Mugabe’s wife


HARARE, Zimbabwe — Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe on Monday fired a vice-president who had previously been seen as a likely successor, removing an obstacle to the presidenti­al ambitions of Mugabe’s wife.

Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa was removed from office “with immediate effect,” the government said, opening the way to the possible appointmen­t of Grace Mugabe, 52, to the post.

The 93-year-old president and his wife have in recent months accused Mnangagwa of plotting to oust Zimbabwe’s leader, who has been in power since independen­ce from white minority rule in 1980.

Mnangagwa had been vicepresid­ent since 2014 when his predecesso­r, Joice Mujuru, was fired for allegedly plotting to oust Mugabe. His dismissal was announced by Simon Khaya Moyo, the informatio­n minister.

“It had become evident that his conduct in the discharge of his duties had become inconsiste­nt with his official responsibi­lities. The vice-president has consistent­ly and persistent­ly exhibited traits of disloyalty, disrespect, deceitfuln­ess and unreliabil­ity,” said Khaya Moyo.

Speculatio­n is now swirling over whether Grace Mugabe will be appointed to the vacant vicepresid­ent’s post at a party congress next month. On Sunday, she said at a rally that she was ready to take over from her husband.

“So I have said to the president: ‘You can also leave me in charge,’ ”she said. “‘Give me the job and I will do it very well because I am good.’ ”

 ??  ?? Grace Mugabe, the wife of Zimbawean President Robert Mugabe, could become his next vice-president.
Grace Mugabe, the wife of Zimbawean President Robert Mugabe, could become his next vice-president.

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