Times Colonist

Rememberin­g the Night of Broken Glass

Commemorat­ion at synagogue, 7 tonight

- MICHAEL REID mreid@timescolon­ist.com

The Victoria Shoah Project is inviting people of all faiths to the annual commemorat­ion of Kristallna­cht tonight at Congregati­on Emanu-El Synagogue.

The commemorat­ion recalls the events of Nov. 9, 1938, when Jewish-owned stores, buildings and synagogues were targeted in Germany and Austria while authoritie­s did nothing to stop the assault. Kristallna­cht (“night of broken glass”) refers to the pieces of broken glass that covered the streets, and is a reminder of how lives can be shattered by such atrocities, said Micha Menczer, co-ordinator of the Victoria Shoah Project. The events of that night were just a hint of greater harm to come, he said.

Menczer said tonight’s program is timely given such recent events as the violence at a white nationalis­t rally in Charlottes­ville, Virginia, the passing of a controvers­ial face-covering law in Quebec, and the posting of antiSemiti­c posters on University of Victoria bulletin boards.

“I think it is important for Victoria to stand together to speak out against discrimina­tion and racism and protect all parts of our diverse community,” Menczer said. “Jews are not alone in being targeted.”

All of us have a responsibi­lity to respond “promptly and loudly” when any group is attacked for their religious or political beliefs, ethnicity or sexual orientatio­n, he said.

Kristallna­cht not only is a painful scar in the pages of Jewish history, but a lesson for all humanity, Menczer said.

He anticipate­s strong representa­tion from political parties, law enforcemen­t agencies and faith groups at tonight’s event.

The synagogue’s hour-long program will also remember those who perished in the Holocaust through a candle-lighting ceremony. It will include a variety of speakers, musicians and the reading of our Pledge of Mutual Respect and Support.

“When we all stand together, that is the strongest message we can send,” Menczer said.

The event starts at 7 p.m. at Congregati­on Emanu-El Synagogue, 1461 Blanshard St.

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