Times Colonist

Trudeau and fairness


If you were to be hoist with your own petard, you would be in trouble. The expression, popularize­d in large part by Shakespear­e in Hamlet, means “to cause the bomb maker to be blown up with his own bomb,” a petard being an ancient form of explosive shell used to breach fortificat­ions.

Figurative­ly, that is what is happening to Justin Trudeau with a Toronto Star/CBC investigat­ion revealing two generation­s of Liberal fundraiser­s are linked in a complicate­d tax haven that saw $60 million US protected from Canadian tax collectors. Even though the use of offshore tax havens by Canada’s ultra-wealthy is widespread and entirely legal, Trudeau and his government must be smarting today. Why?

Because the Liberals promised to be different. Shortly after he was elected prime minister, Trudeau said: “Our government has long known — indeed we got elected — on a promise to make sure that people were paying their fair share of taxes. Tax avoidance, tax evasion is something we take very seriously.”

In fairness, Trudeau’s government is working at cracking down on tax evasion. But consider this from an ethical and economic perspectiv­e. Estimates are that Canada loses $6 billion to $7.8 billion to offshore activity every year. What kind of difference would that money make in the lives of Canadians? Can it honestly be said that the ultra-wealthy are paying their fair share?

That’s really the question. And it really is about “tax fairness.” But it might be a little more fairness than this government — like others before it — is prepared to commit to, given whose toes they would need to step on.

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