Times Colonist


Lisa Baumeler’s Story

- bcchf.ca

T he types of research currently being done at BC Children’s Hospital may sound like something from a science fiction novel, but innovative research is at the centre of my family’s story. We experience­d, first-hand, the important role research plays in diagnosing and treating pediatric diseases, and hope that sharing our story will help improve the lives of children for generation­s to come.

Just over 20 years ago, my then three-and-a-half year-old son Tory, was rushed to the hospital when blood tests suggested a diagnosis of childhood leukemia. Once in hospital, further testing revealed Tory was afflicted with an auto-immune deficiency disease called Idiopathic-Thrombocyt­openic Purpura (ITP). This disorder is similar to other auto-immune deficiency illnesses in that it causes the body to attack itself. My husband and I were told that in Tory’s case, something as common as a small playground fall could have been fatal.

After a multi-week hospital stay, daily doses of immune suppressin­g medication­s and twice daily blood tests to monitor Tory’s platelet levels, my son’s health was stable enough for him to return home. As we were leaving the hospital, I’ll never forget one of our nurses saying how lucky we were. She told us that only 10 years earlier, ITP had been a fatal blood disorder, but through research, treatment methods had been discovered. Besides being relieved that my son survived what was once considered a fatal diagnosis, the fact that this relatively obscure illness warranted enough attention for research funding left me feeling thankful to my core.

Once Tory was home, our flurry of family activity resumed and my three children seemed to grow up far too quickly. Several years later, when a friend asked if I could help with a fundraiser for BC Children’s Hospital, I agreed without hesitation. Since then, I have proudly participat­ed in a number of fundraiser­s for the Hospital itself, and BC Children’s Hospital Foundation here on Vancouver Island.

I have had the opportunit­y to work with an incredible group of passionate volunteers and met brilliant researcher­s who have dedicated their life’s work to treating pediatric diseases. I’ve often wondered where the funding for the ITP research and treatment originated, and decided to create my own legacy gift to fund vital research for diseases that may not currently have a cure. My gift in my Will to the research institute at BC Children’s Hospital Foundation deeply satisfies me, that through my legacy, a family just like mine will get a second chance. In many ways, it brings my son’s hospital stay full circle for us.

 ??  ?? Lisa Baumeler with her son, Tory on his 21st birthday.
Lisa Baumeler with her son, Tory on his 21st birthday.

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