Times Colonist

Destructio­n of monument

- Los Angeles Times

On Monday, U.S. President Donald Trump eviscerate­d federal designatio­ns for the Grand StaircaseE­scalante National Monument and Bears Ears National Monument in Utah, proving once again that, to this president, the federal government’s promises to its own people mean nothing. The president’s decision — which amounts to the largest eliminatio­n of protected area in American history — senselessl­y imperils stunningly beautiful natural areas and geological masterwork­s, as well as tens of thousands of Native American sacred sites and key wildlife habitats.

Trump said he wanted to undo previous administra­tions’ “overreach” in establishi­ng monuments much larger than necessary to protect specific sites. Yet he offered no evidence to support his claims of overreach.

In fact, this is nothing more than a giveaway to mining and other extractive industries, and a favour to conservati­ve anti-public-lands Republican­s in Utah who want land owned by the federal government to be turned over to states for management and developmen­t. As we’ve argued before, states should not take over public lands held in trust by the government for all Americans.

If Trump could articulate a sensible reason for his actions, he would deserve a listen. But he hasn’t, and such a transparen­t effort to reward political allies and mining interests should be fought vigorously.

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