Times Colonist

Rubbing alcohol cleans microfibre, steps to better gravy

- REENA NERBAS Solutions & Substituti­ons Who Knew?

Dear Reena: I own two old microfibre chairs that have stains that range from pets and milk to dirt and soup. The chairs look as if they are ready to hit the garbage. Should I take the plunge and toss them out?

Bryson Close the lid on the garbage and forget about throwing the chairs out. The stains should come out with the help of rubbing alcohol. Pour the alcohol onto the stains, and scrub with a nail brush. Swipe the stains back and forth, and the chair should finish clean.

Dear Reena: I made a turkey for Thanksgivi­ng and used the drippings to make gravy. I poured the drippings into a container and once it cooled, I added cornstarch and put it in the fridge overnight. Right before serving, I heated the contents in a pot, but the gravy would not coagulate and it remained separated and inedible. What happened?

Reba Gravy is the finishing touch to a wonderful turkey dinner. It was wise to pour the drippings into a container and put it into the fridge. Next time, after the drippings have cooled in the fridge, remove the layer of white fat. Do not add cornstarch or flour to the drippings until you discard the fat. Cook as normal, and the gravy should taste spectacula­r. Dear Reena: While putting up the Christmas tree, my pants, shirt and hands became layered with tree sap. Thanks for your help.

Dale Smear your hands, shirt and pants with mayonnaise. The tree sap will come right off. Follow with a solution of dish soap and water. Blot the area and wash the pants and shirt according to the care label.

Dear Reena: Since having children, my hair has become very frizzy. I use several commercial frizz-reducing products. I have noticed that when I dry my hair with a towel, it creates more frizz, and using my hair dryer also increases the frizz. Is there any other way to quickly dry my hair?

Belma Squeeze (don’t rub) your hair with a cotton T-shirt instead of a towel. Cotton will absorb moisture without frizzing. Or wear a microfibre after shower head wrap. Use the cool setting on your hair dryer instead of hot.

Dear Reena: What is the difference between jam and jelly?Mavis

Jelly is made by crushing fruit and then straining the juice. The juice is boiled, usually with sugar and added pectin. Together, they react and result in a thicker consistenc­y. The fruit in jam comes from fruit pulp or crushed fruit, and because of that, jam is less stiff than jelly. • Use coffee filters to hold tacos while eating. The filter makes eating tacos less messy. Taylor • I came to the end of my Nutella jar and had a brain storm that turned into a tasty win! Place a few scoops of vanilla ice cream into the jar and … eat with a spoon. Ryan Reena Nerbas is a popular motivation­al presenter for large and small groups; check out her website: reena.ca.

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