Times Colonist

Bike lanes not needed for bike routes


Re: “Another $3 million needed to complete Victoria bicycle lanes,” Dec. 7.

I have patiently been holding off for months in order for our mayor and council to come to their senses regarding these bike lanes, but this has apparently been a hollow hope.

We finally have a characteri­zation of these follies as suitable for parents and eight-year-olds, regardless of their ability to ride a bicycle in downtown traffic. Seriously, where do you expect them to go on their bikes when they get there?

At the end of every one of these lanes will have to be a sign that reads “Bike Lane Ends.” Then what?

Also, providing for bicycle traffic (which is a desirable end) is not some internatio­nal competitio­n or a race, so I fail to see how we can be “behind.” Each city is different and requires a different solution peculiar unto itself.

This entire protected bike-lane network can be seen only as an attempt to institutio­nalize a very simple concept: Provide bicycle routes throughout the city, so riders can travel to almost any point with a minimum of traffic concerns. Note I say “minimum” concerns, because you have to learn how to ride on city streets. It is not the same as riding on your driveway.

The solution is simply to have “staff” (who I would hope ride bicycles) plot sensible routes around the city and erect signs saying “Bike Route.” This is cheap and effective, and won’t cost $14.5 million, either. M.D. Hansen Victoria

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