Times Colonist

UBC study looks into effects of wildfire smoke on B.C. wine


Hints of blackberry with top notes of cherry and … wildfire smoke?

That might sound like a cheeky way to describe a B.C. vintage, but smoke taint is a significan­t problem for many of the province’s winemakers.

So UBC Okanagan researcher­s have been studying why grapes exposed to wildfire smoke can taste OK, but the wine has an ashy, unpleasant flavour.

What they found is that volatile phenols — chemicals in the smoke that can give wine an offputting taste and aroma known as smoke taint — are absorbed quickly and remain in the grape long after the smoke has cleared.

One of the lead authors, Matthew Noestheden, says for their latest study that they went out to several vineyards in Kelowna in 2016 and exposed some grapes to smoke deliberate­ly using a fuel source that is similar to the area, such as ponderosa pine.

“We followed what happened to these chemicals that lead them to that ashy, barnyardy aroma from the time they are exposed through to fermentati­on. That had not been done before.”

They discovered that once the grapes were exposed to smoke, the volatile phenols were rapidly metabolize­d by the grape and stored, in part, in a sugary form that people can’t taste or smell. Only when the grapes were fermented into wine could the smoky-flavoured volatile phenols be detected.

The latest study was published in the Journal of Agricultur­e and Food Chemistry. Noestheden, a PhD student of chemistry, and his professor, Dr. Wesley Zandberg, had a previous study about discoverin­g a test for smoke taint in grapes published in the same journal in October. The study was funded by Supra Research and Developmen­t in a bid to provide the wine industry with a test that can detect whether grapes will be affected by smoke taint.

Noestheden said testing is already underway with some vineyards, but he noted that more research is needed to ensure the test is 100 per cent accurate.

He said the idea is that winemakers won’t have to wait until harvest to know whether their grapes are tainted.

The UBC researcher­s are also going to look at vineyard trials with sprays to determine how they can protect grapes from wildfire smoke, and look at possible in-winery solutions to remove the smoke taint.

Heavy smoke blanketed the Okanagan much of last summer during the worst wildfire season on record. Despite the smoke, several winemakers said they were hopeful that smoke taint won’t sour the B.C. vintage this year, but they won’t know for sure until the winemaking process is complete.

Noestheden also believes that the vintage won’t be affected by smoke. He said the smoke that hovered over the Okanagan Valley last summer came mostly from the Washington state fires. He added that the chemistry of the smoke changes as it travels over large distances and didn’t settle on the grape vines.

 ??  ?? Wineries in the Okanagan are reasonably confident smoke from last summer’s wildfires hasn’t tainted their grapes, but won’t know for certain until the wine is made.
Wineries in the Okanagan are reasonably confident smoke from last summer’s wildfires hasn’t tainted their grapes, but won’t know for certain until the wine is made.

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