Times Colonist

U.S. does have anti-abortion policy


Re: “New federal rules unfair,” Other Views, Jan. 21.

One would think that in this day and age, the Winnipeg Free Press editorial writer would know better than to misreprese­nt informatio­n and state inaccuraci­es as factual informatio­n when they write: “Imagine … the Liberal government reaction if our neighbours to the south … imposed a restrictio­n on funding for youth jobs that required eligible employers to declare that they are anti-abortion.”

Although not youth-jobs specific, allow me to direct the editor’s attention to U.S. President Donald Trump’s “global gag rule,” otherwise known as the Mexico City Policy, which requires non-government­al organizati­ons to certify that they will not perform or promote abortions anywhere in the world as a condition for receiving U.S. family-planning funds. This executive order, signed by Trump on Jan. 23, 2017, directs that NGOs that refuse to sign will be refused all health assistance, including for HIV, primary care, nutrition, tuberculos­is and malaria programs.

This affects as much as $8 billion US in funding — money that developing world health budgets can ill afford to do without.

The editorial writer has every right to approve or disapprove of the Liberal government’s policy; that is not the salient argument. However, misreprese­nting the true state of affairs, feigning indignatio­n and outrage at one policy while deliberate­ly ignoring and remaining silent about a near-identical policy in their rebuttal of that policy, is hypocritic­al. John Gannon Victoria

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