Times Colonist

Retaliatio­n denied over B.C. trade roadblocks


Political hurdles in the form of delays, bans and tolls have been raised in British Columbia in the weeks since the province served notice that it would temporaril­y ban expanded shipments of bitumen on the Trans Mountain pipeline.

While the federal and Alberta government­s denied Wednesday they were moving in retaliatio­n, B.C.’s Opposition Liberals are pointing to the coincidenc­e of a steady stream of obstacles.

B.C.’s decision to halt increased shipments of the diluted bitumen until further environmen­tal studies are concluded saw Alberta cut off talks to purchase $500 million worth of electricit­y from B.C. and then ban the province’s wine imports.

Alberta Premier Rachel Notley attended the first meeting on Wednesday of a 19-member panel, which includes former New Brunswick premier Frank McKenna and former deputy prime minister Anne McLellan, that will look into efforts to pressure B.C. to back down from its pipeline fight.

As the task force met, Alberta’s Department of Energy issued a statement saying a recent regulatory dispute with B.C. over natural gas pipeline tolls is not connected with the Trans Mountain conflict.

In a Feb. 8 letter to the National Energy Board, the department voiced its opposition to the North Montney Mainland Extension project that would link B.C. natural gas operations with eastern markets.

“Our filing has nothing to do with the recent dispute with the government of B.C.,” said the Alberta statement. “The filing is consistent with Alberta’s past positions relating to fair and just toll principles as well as consistent, well-establishe­d and accepted pipeline tolling principles.”

The Alberta government’s denial of retaliatio­n comes as the federal government dismissed claims that pipeline politics contribute­d to last Friday’s abrupt postponeme­nt of a joint B.C.Ottawa child-care funding news conference.

A spokesman for Social Developmen­t Minister Jean-Yves Duclos said the announceme­nt was postponed because of scheduling issues.

“This is in no way connected to B.C.’s position on Kinder Morgan, and will have no impact to the amount or terms for the province,” said Mathieu Filion in an e-mailed statement. “We will have more to say regarding rescheduli­ng the announceme­nt with B.C. in due course.”

B.C. government documents show a signed three-year earlylearn­ing child-care agreement between the federal and provincial government­s is worth about $153 million.

Officials in B.C. Premier John Horgan’s office said the dispute over the $7.4-billion Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project was not mentioned when federal officials pulled out of the childcare announceme­nt.

But both Horgan and Environmen­t Minister George Heyman signalled in the legislatur­e that the government is preparing for a lengthy battle.

Horgan accused the Opposition Liberals of supporting Alberta rather than B.C., “because they’re petty, they’re partisan and they don’t have the provincial interest at heart.”

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