Times Colonist

Canadian circumcisi­on ban unlikely

Our diversity and tolerance won’t see us following Europe anytime soon


TORONTO — A campaign to ban circumcisi­on for infants and children has taken hold in Iceland and Denmark, but is far too radical a notion for Canada to consider, observers here say.

Despite declining rates of circumcisi­on, many Canadians remain ardent advocates of the right to snip — and not just for religious reasons, notes York University human rights Prof. Minoo Derayeh.

The academic, a specialist on world religions, notes that Canada’s significan­tly more racially diverse population makes the politicize­d issue tougher to reconcile with a national identity rooted in tolerance and liberalism.

“Our immigratio­n law is more toward multicultu­ralism so we are all a part of the mosaic and it’s a part of the identity of people,” says Derayeh, noting it would be hard for a Jewish or Muslim person to not see this as an affront to tenets of their faith.

A Canadian Jewish human-rights group condemned the Nordic movement this week, insisting “there can be no Jewish community without circumcisi­on.”

“Although it’s proposed using human-rights language, this is rather the denial of rights — it’s the denial of religious rights,” Michael Mostyn, chief executive officer of B’nai Brith Canada, said in an interview.

“Should this proposal pass, these communitie­s will no longer be able to exist as viable communitie­s in Iceland. Circumcisi­on is not discretion­ary, but it is rather central in Jewish life and practice throughout history.”

Iceland’s parliament proposed a controvers­ial age-restricted bill last month that would make it a crime to circumcise a baby for non-medical reasons, arguing that boys are unable to “give informed consent to an irreversib­le physical interventi­on.”

At least 400 doctors have backed the bill, but religious groups around the world are pushing back, fearing its success could empower politician­s elsewhere to bring in their own restrictio­ns. And a broader movement to ban circumcisi­on — the act of removing the foreskin of the penis, usually when the child is a newborn — does appear to be gaining steam.

Anti-circumcisi­on activists in Denmark are circulatin­g a petition to force their government to consider a similar law. They have reportedly collected nearly half of the 50,000 signatures they need to create a bill that would set 18 years as the minimum age for the procedure.

The founder of the Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project says he wouldn’t be surprised if one of those proposals succeed, noting that circumcisi­on is not as deeply embedded in European culture as it is in North America. “Somebody does have to go first, and Scandinavi­a is a place where a lot of socially progressiv­e politics have emerged,” says Glen Callender, noting that the first same-sex marriage was in the Netherland­s.

Still, he notes that several things would need to happen before such a movement takes hold in North America, where “the vast majority of circumcisi­ons are not religiousl­y based.”

“I’ve had reports from women saying: ‘My husband was literally sobbing in the fetal position in the corner when I refused to let my son be circumcise­d.’ I know people who divorced over this. And it’s always presented like the boy will feel different if he’s different from his dad,” says Callender, noting how entrenched the practice is, among even secular parents.

He believes the practice will be phased out eventually, but not through legislatio­n. “We are at least 10 to 20 years behind,” says Callender, who neverthele­ss believes the winds of change are well underway.

Circumcisi­on rates have been falling for decades in Canada, with the most recent data cited by the Canadian Paediatric Society pegging it at about 32 per cent in 2009.

The society has long said the risk of undergoing circumcisi­on for nonmedical reasons — notably the possibilit­y of complicati­ons including infection, bleeding and pain — outweighs its benefits. Some families have also found the experience traumatizi­ng for the child and the parents.

But the group revisited the issue in September 2015 with an updated position statement that acknowledg­ed there can be good reasons for it, in certain cases. It cited evidence that circumcisi­on can reduce the risk of HIV infection, as well as the incidence of urinary tract infections in young boys. It can also reduce the risk of contractin­g sexually transmitte­d pathogens such as herpes simplex virus and human papillomav­irus in older boys and adult males, while protecting against penile cancer.

But it also said the risk-to-benefit ratio is closely balanced and that routine circumcisi­on of every newborn is not recommende­d.

Derayeh says it was actually medical concerns that precipitat­ed the practice 5,000 years ago in Egypt and 3,000 years ago in the Middle East, as a bid to avoid infection and protect against disease in hot regions of the world.

She says Christians, too, incorporat­ed the practice, but abandoned circumcisi­on as missionari­es increasing­ly encountere­d non-Jewish population­s opposed to it. And while many Muslims have also abandoned the practice, it’s still prevalent in Arab countries and notably in Turkey where it remains a celebrated rite of passage for a boy.

Derayeh sees a legal ban as impossible to enforce, and believes it ultimately has to remain a private choice. “I hope they would leave it to families to make this decision.”

 ??  ?? Abraham Romi Cohn, right, examines Yosef Sananas before performing his bris, or ritual circumcisi­on, in New York.
Abraham Romi Cohn, right, examines Yosef Sananas before performing his bris, or ritual circumcisi­on, in New York.

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