Times Colonist

Better services sought for Yazidi refugees


OTTAWA — Yazidi refugees brought to Canada after surviving rape and torture in Iraq are facing barriers in accessing mental-health help and other settlement services in their own language, a House of Commons committee has found.

The immigratio­n committee delivered its report last week after studying resettleme­nt issues faced by Yazidi women and children.

Those who have come through the government-assisted refugee program are running into roadblocks trying to gain access to affordable housing, mentalheal­th help and other services in their mother tongue after arriving in Canada, the committee found.

In some cases, only Arabicspea­king interprete­rs are available, which one witness said was upsetting for a young Yazidi girl in Calgary because her captors in Iraq spoke Arabic.

The committee said the government should offer better, more integrated settlement services for vulnerable refugee groups and better anticipate their linguistic needs.

But Conservati­ve MP Michelle Rempel, whose lobbying efforts helped push the government to commit to resettling 1,200 Yazidi women and children last year, called the committee’s final recommenda­tions “broad and milquetoas­t.” After dealing directly with many of these survivors of genocide, rape and torture, Rempel said she wanted to see a stronger call for services for these refugees.

“We don’t have an integrated response,” she told the Canadian Press. “It’s one thing to say, ‘hashtag welcome to Canada’ and it’s another to do the heavy lifting and hard work and hard discussion to ‘hashtag integrate into Canada.’ ”

Another recommenda­tion from the committee report is also drawing some criticism.

It calls on Canada to increase its refugee resettleme­nt targets in the wake of the global refugee crisis, but stopped short of specifying any groups.

A number of witnesses called for more Yazidi refugees to be brought to Canada.

 ?? DAVID LIPNOWSKI, CP ?? Liberal MP Robert-Falcon Ouellette, left, greets refugees in Winnipeg last August.
DAVID LIPNOWSKI, CP Liberal MP Robert-Falcon Ouellette, left, greets refugees in Winnipeg last August.

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