Times Colonist

Getting a handle on why you’re always hungry


Summer is coming and you’re thinking about trying on swimsuits and launching a new healthy-living kick. Pronto. Especially the diet part. If you are trying to get fit fast, you are likely moving more and eating less — and grappling with the nagging feeling that you can’t seem to stop feeling hungry.

Don’t worry, you are not alone. Here are four reasons you are always hungry and what to do to tame your rumbling tummy: You forgot the protein: If you are looking to slim down, you might be cutting out too much protein at meals, sabotaging your feelings of fullness. As experts point out, protein contribute­s greatly to the feeling of being satisfied. Indulge in some protein at every meal and you will stay full longer. We’re not just talking steak, either. Dig into eggs, yogurt, tofu, and beans as well as animal proteins. You didn’t get enough sleep: When you are exhausted, you tend to eat more to keep your energy up. In one University of Chicago study, sleep-deprived people ate more than 50 per cent more calories than when they had a good night’s rest. Those who got enough shuteye lost this urge to eat, researcher­s found, according to the Daily Mail. So make snooze time a priority to shut off those late-afternoon cravings. Your gut got confused: You know how people say you should go with your gut? Well, the problem is that if the microbes in your gut aren’t diverse enough, then they might be sending the wrong signals to your brain. About 20 minutes after a meal, certain bacteria in your gut should send signals that you have had enough to eat by stimulatin­g the release of a hormone linked to feelings of satiety. But if you don’t have a diverse mix of gut bacteria, you might not get that signal. Oops. Experts suggest supping on a diet rich in fibre and probiotics to get back on track. You’re dehydrated: Sometimes, you are really thirsty, but you mistake that feeling for hunger. The confusion happens in the hypothalam­us, the part of the brain that regulates appetite and thirst. When dehydratio­n sets in, the wires get crossed in the hypothalam­us and you start munching when what you really need is a tall, cool glass of water. Experts recommend that you drink more, starting when you first wake up, so you get the hydration you need.

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