Times Colonist

LRT critics were wrong in Edmonton


When Edmonton city council proposed building its light rail transit, the idea was criticized by many as being impractica­l and too expensive. “Edmonton’s population is too small; commuters will never switch to a train,” they said.

The critics’ solution was to improve the bus system and improve roads. These are the same arguments we hear for not reactivati­ng the E&N.

The LRT was in operation by 1978, despite the opposition, and today is an essential part of Edmonton’s transporta­tion system. It is well used, and has been expanding along with the city’s growing population.

Not only has the LRT proven to be economical, it has been essential, giving residents a practical alternativ­e to driving their vehicles.

The E&N is different only in that it will be connecting communitie­s that are farther from the city centre. We have an advantage that Edmonton didn’t have — the right of way is already in place, just waiting for the tracks.

What we learn from the Edmonton example is that the transporta­tion system has to be built first, so the population can adjust to it. Once it has been built, other infrastruc­ture, public and private, will be constructe­d to service it.

Getting the E&N back in operation would be expensive initially, but as the population of south Vancouver Island continues to increase, the investment will more than pay for itself. The critics were wrong in Edmonton and they are wrong here, as well.

Errol Miller Victoria

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