Times Colonist

NDP is trying to pump out the swamp


It should be obvious to all B.C. residents that this province is in one hell of a mess.

The present government did not cause this mess. It was caused by the previous government after 16 years of underfundi­ng and constant skyrocketi­ng debt that can never be paid off. The amount of interest alone could turn this world into a utopia; but then why would anyone want that instead of the festering swamp that it has become.

If you are not part of the solution, then you are definitely part of the problem.

Every time the NDP and the B.C. Green Party try to correct this dire situation, they are immediatel­y and ferociousl­y attacked by people who would obviously sooner live in a cesspool of filth than in a clean and healthy world.

It is a thankless and difficult job to try to pump out the swamp if you are up to your ass in alligators. And how come it seems that the media always let the alligators get the last word in?

It’s sadly disappoint­ing to see that mankind is quickly losing its ability to distinguis­h between what is right and wrong. What makes it so right to pollute the world into a state of selfdestru­ction as opposed to a clean, healthy world as it was meant to be?

No being in this whole universe has the right to do this; it is against all that is good. Who owns this world, anyway, and by what right do they own it?

John A. Martin Nanaimo

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