Times Colonist

Saving snakes is her specialty

They have a place in our ecosystem and they should be protected


Bella Rose Britt used to run princess parties for kids. It wasn’t really her thing.

She’s now pursuing a true passion: Saving venomous snakes from slaughter. Particular­ly, the infamous rattlesnak­es prevalent throughout the foothills of California’s Sierra Nevada that often die by shotgun or shovel.

Britt took to Facebook recently, posting a photo of herself armed with a snake hook and bucket, to offer her free snake-wrangling services.

The comments the post snagged so far are largely positive: “That is a noble thing, snakes are important and all part of our planet,” wrote one person.

But not everyone is a fan: “Please don’t set them free here. I don’t like them.”

The rattlers Britt removes will be relocated on properties with ample acreage, or empty fields, where residents have asked for the snakes. The serpents eat mice and rats.

Britt said a dog-rescue group that trains canines to spot and avoid rattlesnak­es has also asked for snakes.

She’s catching and releasing them for free (although donations are accepted). She works as a freelance photograph­er when she’s not snake catching.

Britt has loved snakes since she was a girl. She’s not sure what started her fascinatio­n.

She has five pet snakes in her Fresno home. Three are reticulate­d pythons: Severus (named after Professor Snape in Harry Potter), Maleficent (for the vengeful fairy from Sleeping Beauty) and Gabriel (named after the Angel Gabriel for cross shapes on his head). She also has a red-tailed boa named Zuri (Swahili for “beautiful”), and a ball python named Giorgio Armani (after the Italian fashion designer).

Britt describes herself as an experience­d snake handler with a passion for snakes, “especially venomous ones.”

She points to snake venom being used for medical research to help cure various life-threatenin­g ailments as one reason to protect them.

“I really want to spread education about rattlesnak­es. Even though they are scary and dangerous, they do have a place in our ecosystem and they should be protected and respected.”

Although Britt is eager to catch rattlesnak­es, she stresses that others should not do the same. Attempting to catch or kill a rattlesnak­e is dangerous because a rattlesnak­e bite can be fatal.

If you do encounter a rattlesnak­e, Britt says, back away slowly facing the snake. If you are bit, she says, get to a hospital as quickly as possible so doctors can administer life-saving anti-venom, but don’t run or panic. If you do, that can cause the venom to circulate more quickly in the bloodstrea­m. Also, she says, trying to suck or cut out venom won’t work and will only make it worse.

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife offers more tips to stay rattlesnak­e safe.

Rattlesnak­es usually avoid humans, but about 8,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes in the U.S. each year, with 10 to 15 deaths, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administra­tion.

Britt adds: “Regardless of what you’ve heard or been told, these creatures are not aggressive and will not chase you. They want nothing to do with you and if they feel threatened, all they want is to defend themselves or, better yet, find an escape route.”

 ??  ?? Bella Rose Britt, who has loved snakes since childhood, is now offering free removal of rattlesnak­es from properties with care, with the intent of relocating them to a safer environmen­t.
Bella Rose Britt, who has loved snakes since childhood, is now offering free removal of rattlesnak­es from properties with care, with the intent of relocating them to a safer environmen­t.
 ?? ERIC PAUL ZAMORA, TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE ?? Northern Pacific rattlesnak­e, which can be found throughout the Sierra foothills, can pose a danger to people who encounter one.
ERIC PAUL ZAMORA, TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE Northern Pacific rattlesnak­e, which can be found throughout the Sierra foothills, can pose a danger to people who encounter one.

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