Times Colonist

Don’t ban the horses


The B.C. SPCA has recommende­d horse-drawn carriages be banned from streets and limited to parks following an incident at Ogden Point last month. But horses and carriages are part of the colour and character of downtown Victoria, providing a leisurely and relaxing way for visitors to take in the local history and beauty.

They also have an excellent safety record, and there is little justificat­ion for keeping them off the streets.

Two horses fell to the pavement on May 4 when the trolley they were pulling rolled back and bumped into a bus that had pulled up behind the trolley. One horse was startled and fell, bringing the other down with it. The SPCA was critical of the way the horses’ handlers dealt with the incident, saying the safety of the horses and the public was jeopardize­d.

The carriage company should carefully consider the SPCA’s observatio­ns on how the incident was handled, and should adjust procedures if necessary. But keeping the horses off the city’s streets, as recommende­d by the animal-welfare society, is not necessary.

Victoria’s carriage horses are in prime condition — they receive the best of care and are handled according to strict safety procedures.

These are draught horses, bred to pull heavy loads — the light carriages they draw through downtown Victoria are not a burden; their work is not mistreatme­nt.

Don’t ban them from the streets. The horses must negotiate busy traffic, but their deliberate pace makes a pleasant contrast to the hustle and bustle.

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