Times Colonist

Carriages enhance downtown Victoria


Re: “Ban horse-drawn street tours: SPCA,” June 6.

It is a sad note and a misplaced one that brings criticism of the horsedrawn carriage business.

One of the most beautiful aspects of Victoria is the graceful movement of these grand horses quietly walking the streets of the old town.

Amid all the hustle and bustle, the cars and tour buses, these beautiful creatures and the carriages they draw bring a touch of splendour and warmth.

There have been few incidents that cause concern with these gentle horses. Motorized vehicles, on the other hand, cause congestion, collisions, pollution and deaths every day.

Have we no room in our motorized culture for these noble creatures? When everyone calls for non-fossilfuel energy and a cleaner environmen­t, why are we condemning the a mode that has served so well and for so long?

If something is no longer useful, it winds up in the garbage. The job these horses are doing is why they exist; their work gives them an honourable and useful existence.

If we need to ban anything, it is the growing number of motorized vehicles in the downtown core. These are the cause of so-called accidents, not these wonderful horses that bring gladness, elegance and charm.

Please don’t take away one of the few remaining real attraction­s to our most beloved downtown.

Mickey Udal Gabriola Island

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