Times Colonist

Pot-smoking zones will be unenforcea­ble


Re: “Victoria mulls places where you can smoke pot legally,” Sept. 7. Thank you for the update on the social situation at city hall. While reading this article, I started with a smile, and then broke into outright laughter.

Are you kidding me, Lisa and Ben? We already have “unintended consequenc­es” of legalized cannabis consumptio­n, the least of which are the proliferat­ion of pot shops sprouting all over Victoria like, well, weeds.

A little research (excluding trips to Denver) will quickly identify where one can consume cannabis, and where a lot of people stand around pretending not to see the activity. Please include these quiet little places of contemplat­ion in your new consumptio­n-site policies.

• Anywhere on Pandora Avenue.

• Dallas Road walkway, especially at the Cook Street intersecti­on.

• Cook Street Village.

• Second tee, Gorge Vale Golf Club. (Hey, it wasn’t me!)

• Esquimalt Plaza.

• Sections of Government Street, except outside the Empress.

• Galloping Goose Trail.

• Anywhere you see a tent.

• 1200 block of Douglas Street.

• Almost any downtown parkade.

That should keep you going for a while.

Now tell us, someone, just how is the city going to enforce something that is basically unenforcea­ble? Can we expect to see the hiring of squads of bylaw officers?

I really liked it when all the city had to deal with was the new bridge and the sewage-treatment plant. (File under “Good Old Days.”) Austin Peckham Victoria

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