Times Colonist

Hubris alive and well in Saanich


Saanich council voted Monday night in favour of an amendment to lot-size averaging, and then voted in favour of allowing five houses — all with suites — to be built at 5197 Del Monte Ave., in a cul de sac.

If neighbourh­ood integrity had been upheld, three homes would be permitted on this site. The vote did not reflect the wishes of the majority of the neighbourh­ood, nor did it demonstrat­e an understand­ing of the area and local concerns about density and safety on this narrow stretch of road.

What council voted on was a promise of something special — environmen­tally friendly homes with passive-house design and expensive Code 5 standards — that the municipali­ty could show off as being state of the art. No one objected to the environmen­tal part. Three of these houses could easily have demonstrat­ed the same benefits.

Shame on councillor­s for having such little regard for the people they are supposed to represent and the community integrity they are elected to uphold. Shame on them for changing bylaws to support a slick developer and his following who have more to gain than providing a supposed feather in council’s cap. Shame on councillor­s for disregardi­ng the advice of staff.

Hubris is clearly alive and well in Saanich — hubris and vulnerabil­ity. We deserve better. Jan Walsh-Hohert Saanich

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