Times Colonist

Former soldier fined for unwanted touching


A 38-year-old former captain in the Canadian Armed Forces was severely reprimande­d and fined $2,000 Friday after admitting to the unwanted touching of a colleague.

In a court martial at CFB Esquimalt, S.P. Duvall pleaded guilty to behaving in a disgracefu­l manner in connection with an incident at the base in September 2009.

Military Judge Commander Sandra Sukstorf heard Duvall and military colleagues were drinking that night in the wardroom on base. They later went downtown and drank more, then returned to Duvall’s room to continue drinking.

One of his colleagues, a woman member of the forces, lay on his bed while others in the room continued to drink. After the group had departed, Duvall started massaging the woman’s back, then began touching her genitals on the outside of her clothes.

The woman froze at first. Then she told Duvall to stop. Then she left and went to her own room.

The guilty plea and sentence were all part of an agreed submission from prosecutor Major Adam Van Der Linde and defence counsel Lt. Commander Brent Walden.

The court martial heard Duvall had been a member of the Canadian Armed Forces from 2006 to 2017 and served in all three branches, Navy, Army and Air Force, and this was his first offence. He is married with two children.

In delivering her sentence, Sukstorf said the fact that Duvall pleaded guilty is to his credit. But she also credited the woman who made the complaint with having the courage to come forward.

Sukstorf said such offences undermine the Armed Forces and must be addressed.

“If we can stop this kind of conduct early on in its infancy, then we can all move forward as a stronger force,” she said.

OTTAWA — Canada’s military justice system is in danger of being blown up following a court ruling that found the current process of trying service members for serious crimes — including sexual assault and murder — violates their charter rights.

The ruling was rendered last week by the military’s appeals court, and prosecutor­s are now scrambling to save the current system by asking the Supreme Court of Canada to stay the decision until it can make its own determinat­ion.

But even as some inside the Canadian Forces warn about the damage the ruling would cause if it’s allowed to stand, others say it’s long overdue — and should spark a much-needed overhaul of the system.

The case in question dates to December 2014 when military police charged an Edmontonba­sed soldier, Master Cpl. Raphael Beaudry, with one count of sexual assault causing bodily harm.

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms says anyone accused of a crime with a maximum sentence of five or more years can request a trial by jury — except in cases involving military law tried before a military tribunal.

But a special provision in the National Defence Act, which regulates the Forces, says civil cases such as sexual assault and murder can be considered military law even if the alleged offence was not related to an accused’s military service.

As a result, when Beaudry asked that his case be heard by a jury, it was denied and he was found guilty via court martial.

But in a majority ruling last week, the Court Martial Appeals Court found that “civil offences are not offences under military law” — meaning Beaudry and others charged with serious criminal code offences should be allowed to stand trial by jury.

The ruling, endorsed by two out of three members of the military appeals court, does not affect military-specific offences such as desertion and disgracefu­l conduct, nor does it apply to crimes committed by service members while deployed outside Canada.

But it does leave in limbo dozens of criminal cases currently in the military justice system relating to sexual assault and similar common offences — as well as the future of addressing such cases with the court-martial system.

While Beaudry is far from the first to challenge the constituti­onality of the military justice system, and the Supreme Court had previously agreed in March to consider the question, those previous cases had all been rejected by the lower courts.

The military’s top prosecutor, Col. Bruce MacGregor, has asked the Supreme Court to suspend the Beaudry decision until the top court can hear an appeal. A failure to do so, he added in a motion filed to the top court, could have widespread implicatio­ns.

“Forty cases currently in the military justice system are affected by this decision, representi­ng over half of our average annual caseload,” MacGregor wrote in his motion requesting a stay.

Allowing the decision to stand before the top court hears the case would force other cases in the system into civilian courts, he said, “creating undesirabl­e delays and jeopardizi­ng the ability to try these cases on their merit.”

Potentiall­y complicati­ng matters, at least in the short term, is the Supreme Court’s Jordan decision in 2016, which imposed time limits on how long it can take for a criminal case to go to trial before it is deemed unreasonab­ly delayed.

But even as military prosecutor­s work to save the system, experts on military law are celebratin­g the ruling — and they hope the Supreme Court will adopt the same view.

Retired judge Gilles Letourneau insists the ruling will not affect the military’s ability to enforce order and discipline, but simply ensure service members are able to enjoy the same right to a trial by jury as all other Canadians accused of serious crimes.

“It is really unfair,” said Letourneau, who previously served on the Federal Court and the Court Martial Appeals Court.

“These are people [military personnel] whose job is to protect the population, and they are deprived of a fundamenta­l right that is given to the population as a whole.”

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