Times Colonist

Tax measures to help media valued at $600M

Conservati­ve MP Poilievre denounces move, saying it will interfere with press freedom


OTTAWA — The federal government is stepping in to help the struggling Canadian media industry with new tax credits and incentives valued at nearly $600 million over the next five years.

“To protect the vital role that independen­t news media play in our democracy and in our communitie­s, we will be introducin­g measures to help support journalism in Canada,” Finance Minister Bill Morneau said in his speech to the House of Commons.

The details of the program won’t be available until the next federal budget, after the government receives advice from an independen­t panel from the news industry.

The goal is for the program to be funded by the government but have no role for politician­s to decide what constitute­s a media outlet or who would be eligible. That way, the government hopes to avoid the appearance of conflict between a free press and government influence.

The program will likely cost the federal treasury about $45 million in 2019-20, rising to $165 million in 2023-24.

It’s expected most of the expense will be for a new tax credit for media organizati­ons to support the costs of producing original news content, but finance officials said specific amounts won’t be available until eligibilit­y details have been decided.

Another temporary tax credit will be created for subscriber­s to digital news media sites.

Plus, the government will allow non-profit media organizati­ons to apply for charitable status, enabling them to seek donations for which they could issue tax receipts. Non-profit media with such status would also be eligible to receive funding from other registered charities. La Presse, Canada’s largest French daily newspaper, moved to become a non-profit entity this year, severing ties with the Power Corp. conglomera­te owned by the Desmarais family.

Conservati­ve finance critic Pierre Poilievre said his party would never endorse assistance for journalism. The Conservati­ves believe government help for journalist­s interferes with press freedom and Poilievre said the government is choosing who gets to sit on a panel that will ultimately decide which news organizati­ons survive and which don’t.

“We should not have a situation where the government picks a panel that then decides who gets to report the news,” Poilievre said.

Morneau dismissed the idea the government is buying journalist­s.

Phillip Crawley, publisher of the Globe and Mail, which owns a share of the Canadian Press, said he welcomes all three of the initiative­s as well as the government’s stated commitment to the value of independen­t journalism.

John Honderich, chair of Torstar Corp., which owns the Toronto Star and a number of other newspapers as well as a share of the Canadian Press, said he is encouraged by the proposals.

More than 250 news outlets in Canada have closed in the last 10 years. Newspaper revenues are down as much as 40 per cent since 2012.

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