Times Colonist

$201M for UVic housing

Province approves increase of 620 on-campus units


The major housing initiative that University of Victoria has been planning for several years got provincial approval last week.

Work is expected to start in 2020 on a series of projects that will make for a net increase of 620 on-campus units, increasing UVic’s residence capacity by 25 per cent. A new dining hall and multipurpo­se space are included in the work.

Total cost is estimated at $201 million, with a completion target of 2024.

Premier John Horgan announced the provincial approval at UVic, accompanie­d by several cabinet ministers and B.C. Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver.

The Cadboro Commons block and two nearby older residences — Margaret Newton Hall and Emily Carr Residences — will be demolished, replaced by two bigger, taller buildings.

“By increasing housing stock specifical­ly for students, we’re also taking the pressure off local rental markets, giving more options to other renters,” Horgan said. The premier said students have enough stress without worrying about where they’re going to live.

UVic president Jamie Cassels said the university deeply appreciate­s the provincial support, and it’s an investment in the citizens and the future of B.C.

UVic is a destinatio­n university, in that 75 per cent of the 22,000member student body comes from outside the south Island. They arrive in a city with a difficult housing situation, he said. “It’s very challengin­g to find a place to live.”

Residence life is an integral part of the university experience, and the project will make it available to more people, he said.

UVic gets about 1,000 more applicatio­ns a year than there are beds (2,300), although first-year students are guaranteed residence spots if they apply in time.

Student leader Adri Bell, who has lived in residence for three years, said the buildings become families and are real homes, to the point where students hug the buildings when they leave.

Weaver, a veteran UVic professor, said there has been a desperate need for more university housing for years. It has been seven years since UVic last built oncampus residences.

The constructi­on will free up rental units around Greater Victoria, he said, as students are competing with everyone else for scarce apartments.

There will be 782 new beds, of which 162 are replacing existing units that will be demolished. The buildings will meet passive-house standards for energy efficiency.

The UVic projects bring to 1,165 the number of new residence units at B.C. universiti­es announced in the past year, a big increase over previous years.

They’re all flowing from a $450-million student-housing loan program created this year.

B.C. is lending $98 million from that fund, and granting $25 million from a capital budget.

The Victoria Foundation is providing $45 million and the university will provide the remaining $33 million.

The loan program was created in the 2018 budget as a way around the restrictio­ns on postsecond­ary institutio­ns’ borrowing ability. It’s limited in scope, because their debt is carried on the province’s books.

UVic is the third institutio­n to get a loan. The project needs height and parking variances from Saanich to proceed.

 ??  ?? Premier John Horgan, right, with University of Victoria students at a student housing project announceme­nt on Nov. 15. Two older residences will be replaced by two bigger, taller buildings.
Premier John Horgan, right, with University of Victoria students at a student housing project announceme­nt on Nov. 15. Two older residences will be replaced by two bigger, taller buildings.

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