Times Colonist

From glass house, Victoria throws stones


Re: “Victoria riles Alberta with support for oilpatch suit,” Jan. 30.

How noble of Victoria Coun. Ben Isitt to hop upon his high horse and lead council’s charge in supporting a classactio­n suit against oil and gas companies for their alleged role in provincial climate change.

Especially since we live in balmy Victoria, when much of Canada today is heating homes in morning temperatur­es ranging from -15C to -28C.

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. While we condemn hypothetic­al tankers for threatenin­g the endangered orca population, the City of Victoria supports the whale-watching industry that harasses them.

While we demonize the fossil-fuel industry for polluting the planet, many celebrate the increase in monster cruise ships to our port, which spew effluents into the air because we do not provide onshore power. And we ignore their fuel consumptio­n in getting here, increasing the carbon footprint on the planet.

Some also hail the one million-plus who flew into YYJ last year, now said to necessitat­e a larger airport. More carbon in the air — along with that produced by an ever-expanding harbour airport.

As for Victoria’s loudly touted bicycle lanes, what binds them? Asphalt, a petroleum product.

Aside from our glass house, it is delusional to think that B.C. municipali­ties could match the coffers of Big Oil in a prolonged class-action suit.

Find another cause, council. One that is closer to home.

Rosalee van Stelten Victoria

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