Times Colonist

FIVE STRATEGIES TO Increase vitality in aging adults

- BY LUTGARDA MARIANO HOME CARE ASSISTANCE homecareas­sistancevi­ctoria.ca

Energy levels tend to wane as a person ages, but that doesn’t mean your senior loved one must spend their golden years sitting around. When seniors focus on making healthy changes, they can easily restore their energy and maintain an active lifestyle. Check this list of energy-reviving strategies to find ways your loved one can boost his or her vitality.


Few things are worse than waking already too tired to enjoy the day. Seniors undergo biological changes that affect how well and how long they sleep. While you may not be able to do much about hormonal fluctuatio­ns or chronic pain, you can help your loved one maintain proper sleep hygiene habits. For instance, all electronic­s should be shut off an hour before bedtime. Spending that last hour doing relaxing activities such as reading or listening to music, will prime the mind for sleep. For seniors with health conditions that make it difficult to sleep through the night or cognitive issues that lead to confusion upon waking, having a profession­al caregiver close by can provide a sense of comfort. Live-in care is an essential component of aging in place safely and comfortabl­y. It’s important to have caregivers they can trust and rely on. Home Care Assistance extensivel­y screens their live-in and 24-hour caregivers and hire with experience in the senior home care industry. Strict requiremen­ts ensure seniors remain in the comfort of home with a reduced risk of injury or serious illness.


Seniors with low energy may need some motivation to get started with an exercise plan. It seems counterint­uitive that expending energy would raise energy levels, however, regular exercise boosts overall physical health by raising metabolism. As the body converts resources into producing energy, your loved one may feel revitalize­d and have more stamina throughout the day. For seniors with mobility limitation­s or health conditions that make it difficult to exercise safely on their own, a profession­al caregiver can be an asset. If your aging loved one needs help managing everyday tasks or encouragem­ent to adopt healthier lifestyle choices, turn to Home Care Assistance. Victoria Home Care Assistance provides profession­al in-home caregivers around the clock to help seniors live longer, happier, and healthier lives.


Emotional health affects energy levels. Your loved one should have at least one or two activities to look forward to each day. If your loved one lacks motivation to stay engaged in an activity, help him or her search for a new passion. Falling in love with oil painting or renewing a sense of self-purpose through volunteeri­ng generates feelings of positivity that makes seniors feel more energetic as they look forward to their day.


There’s something refreshing about spending time around other people. Since people tend to feel more energetic when they have something exciting to look forward to, help your loved one find social events to plan for in the upcoming months. Whether attending a family birthday party or dressing up for a senior dance, your loved one may find socializin­g with other people refreshes his or her spirit.


All the effort in the world won’t restore energy levels if your loved one has unhealthy habits that reduce energy. For instance, smoking reduces blood flow throughout the body, and tends to generate a sense of overall fatigue. Drinking excessivel­y leads to hangovers that weigh seniors down. Talk to your loved one about habits to stop if he or she wants to feel more energized. Then surround them with support to replace these habits with healthier ones. For instance, calling a friend instead of having a drink or taking a walk with a caregiver instead of having a smoke provides more energy during stressful parts of the day. These strategies can boost your loved one’s energy levels, which may enhance his or her overall wellbeing. Seniors who want to remain healthy as they age can benefit in a variety of ways when they receive profession­al home care services. Victoria Home Care Assistance can help your loved one accomplish daily tasks, prevent illness and focus on living a healthier and more fulfilling life. For reliable in-home care services, contact us at: 250-800-9647.

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